Please, Kousuke

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(Thanks to @DestinyBuffaloFuente for the lovely idea and support!)

I could hear him pacing around my hospital room again.
    This was the third time in less than an hour. He sat down for only a few minutes in between paces.
     I would have told him that it was alright and he should rest but I seemed to be having a hard time moving any part of my body.
     After ten minutes of his pacing and my struggling silently, I managed to crack open my eyes and mouth.
     "Kousuke, you don't have to pace so much, you should rest."
     "Masahiro? Oh my god... are you alright?"
     He kneeled beside my bed and held my hand with his.
     "I'm fine Kousuke, I promise." I smiled weakly towards him.
     "Thank god." He pushes my bangs up kissed my forehead.
     "I didn't know what was going to happen when they brought you in."
     Kousuke rested his head on my arm and never let go of my hand.
     We stayed like that for a while until we both feel asleep.
     The doctor had already seen me and I wouldn't be getting out until tomorrow.
     I know I had told Kousuke not to worry but I could see where he was coming from.
     Of it was him that had been stabbed in the side during a gang fight with a screw driver, I would have been fretting all over him too.
     During the next week, although, I would call how he was was a little more than fretting.
     When I was released from the hospital Kousuke kept a arm around my waist the whole way to the car and home. Not that I didn't like it being there.
     When we got to the Ooshiba home, he laid me down on the couch and forbade me from moving.
     "But Kousuke what about..."
     "Don't worry love." He kissed my cheek and patted my head. It made me blush and avoid his eyes. He chuckled to me.
     "I'll fix up something quick or Oder something for dinner. If you need anything make sure to tell me, alright?"
     I knew there was no way of getting out of his loving care, even if I felt I should be helping him.
     "I will. Thank you Kousuke." I said avoiding his gaze.
     He just smiled and patted my head again.
     For the first two days it was just him doing the work I would normally do around the house.
     Then school started again.
     Whenever Kousuke and I would pass someone in the hallway he would move closer to me and intertwine some of our fingers.
     "Kousuke were in school... they won't be here." I would whisper to him.
     "I know it's just... I..."
     "I get it. Thanks for protecting me."
     He smiled brightly at me, I loved that smile. I never knew though what was going through his mind.
     As the week slowly passed I still felt bad about having Kousuke doing my work around the house but he would always say it was perfectly fine.
     "I have to let my wife rest and heal properly, don't I?" I hid my face in my hands to cover the redness of it.
      I somehow made it through the week with all of Kousuke's pampering and care.
     It was finally Friday, but something had to go wrong today.
     I had already had this uneasy feeling all day long but Kousuke helped settle it and I tried to ignore it.
     That afternoon Kousuke couldn't walk Masahiro to lunch because he had to meet with another teacher about lesson plans.
     "Okay, I'll be fine Kousuke, don't worry."
     "I know, I know, it's just... I will finish quickly so I can meet up with you soon. Make sure you eat lots."
     "I will." I shyly blew him a kiss and rushed off towards the lunch room.
     On my way there I felt an arm grab mine.
     It pulled my back and up against a wall.
     Ijime from third year class F was towering over me.
     He was the most avoided kid in school because it was legend that of you made eye contact with him you wouldn't be seen again.
     I would have tried to run away or yell for someone but every hall around us was deserted and he had such a strong grip on my arm it hurt.
     "I finally caught you without your bodyguard. I need you to help me."
     "Huh?" I managed to squeak out.
     "The gang your part of. I'm in a little trouble with them. I want you to clear it up for me."
     "I- I can't..."
     "What?! Why?!"
     "Be- be- because they have nothing to do with me anymore! I- I- don't want to see them and they don't want to see me..."
     "Oh really? See for some reason, I don't believe you. But I know how to make you spit out the truth."
      I saw him raise his free arm and and tried to move because I knew what was coming next, it would hurt. I couldn't move no matter how much I struggled.
     I waited for it. The pain never came though. I only heard the one voice I had been praying to hear.
     "I don't think you do."
     "Who the fu-"
     He let go of me and my legs gave out from under me.
     I opened my eyes and saw the horror cross Ijime's face as he realized it was Kousuke behind him.
     Kousuke has a legend around school too, never mess with his students or anyone for that matter.
     "I feel that kids you especially need to be thought a lesson."
     I didn't know what Kousuke would have done but another teacher came running around the corner with the principal.
     "Mr. Ijime! I should have known! Come with me now!" The principal seemed as furious as Kousuke.
     "Mr. Ooshiba the nurse is on her lunch break, can you look over Mr. Setagawa?"
     "Yes, I'll take Masahiro back to my classroom."
     "Good. Mr. Dansei, you come with me and we will deal with him."
     The three of them walked off.
     Kousuke helped me up and back to the classroom.
     I was slightly scared. I knew none of Kousuke's anger was towards me but he looked purely angry, which was scary in itself.
     When we got inside the door Kousuke pulled it shut and locked it.
     He walked over me and put his arms around my waist and hugged me. He buried his head in my shoulder.
     "I'm sorry Masahiro... I'm sorry..." He mumbled
     "Sorry? For what? You've done nothing wrong."
     "It's my fault you got hurt during the fight last Friday. It's my fault that you got hurt today since I wasn't with you."
     "Kousuke, that's not... it's not something you could stop from happening, but you helped me."
     "How could I help if I was the cause of it?"
     "All this week you've done everything for my and walked with my everywhere allowing me to rest and relax. We both know I wouldn't have done that without you. And just now you stopped me from getting hurt again or letting things escalate." I wrapped my arms around his shoulders.
     He lifted his head to look at me.
     "I never thought of that I guess. I'm just glad your alright."
     "I love you Kousuke."
     "I love you too Masahiro." He leaned his forehead on mine and held my hands in his.
     "Let's check over your arm, okay?"
     "Alright." I smiled up to him.
     He led me over to a table but didn't let go of one my hands.
     I knew he wasn't going to anytime soon.


~1,261 words~
~So this was based of the little idea @DestinyBuffaloFuente commented and I loved the idea of it! I hope this met your expectations!~


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