Girassois de Van Gogh (Sunflowers of Van Gogh)

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(This was a partly song fic request by @karolaini889! It is a really pretty song so I recommend listening to it if you get the chance. The video is a female cover of the song with English lyrics and the second slide is the request!)

Masahiro used to hum all the time when he was doing things. Whether he would just be shopping or helping clean and cook. Ever since Kousuke can remember him being comfortable in the Ooshiba house, he would hum absentmindedly as he did what ever he deemed was pressing enough to be done. He never heard Masahiro sing out loud but the humming was enough to know that he was happy.
Kousuke got used to the small hums and whispers that would follow the blonde as he worked around the house. Sometimes to was just very quiet humming or it was whispers of words and slightly dancing in place. But it made Kousuke content because he knew that Masahiro was in a good mood when he was humming, and if he was happy so was Kousuke. There was a point though, when the humming stopped.
Once when Kousuke and Masahiro had the blunt interaction of Kousuke rejecting a confused Masahiro. Then things got better between them and humming started coming back very slowly. After the day Masahiro had thought Kousuke ended their relationship, it stopped once again. And even though they had their talk and found the way to one another, it still hadn't come back. Masahiro's already low self confidence had become even lower during all that happen and it wouldn't come back just so easily. Kousuke was determined to show just how determined he was though to never leave him alone again.
So they worked towards it. Masahiro worked in not turning thoughts and bad situations into reasons why he had done something wrong. And Kousuke worked on having someone for him to talk to whenever he needed a shoulder to lean on.
It took a few months, but there was a day that Kousuke realized Masahiro was doing, maybe even more so than before.
He had come home a bit earlier than expected because his meeting and paper work there after weren't as time consuming as he thought they'd be. He came in the door and set his bag down before getting ready to call out to Masahiro. He should be home because the students had had the day off and Kensuke was out his moody boyfriend and Mrs. Ooshiba. He was just about to call out when he heard soft singing. It was coming from the kitchen and Kousuke peeked in through the doorway.
Masahiro had his back to the door and was swaying himself from side to side gently. He had headphones in and was singing along to what he assumed was the lyrics of whatever song he had playing. He looked happy even though Kousuke couldn't see his face. he know he was.
Instead if his humming coming back, he was happily singing away in the kitchen as he worked. A smile broke out on Kousuke's face as he watched him. His voice was beautiful and his body was alluring. It was like the blonde was trying to lure him in with that kind of honey sweet voice and smooth body movements, no matter how small they were.
"Gira, gira, girassois de Van Gogh, griassois de Van Gogh, griassois de Van Gogh. Ce tema uma cara de quem vai fuder minha vida..." Kousuke wasn't sure what langue the song was in, but Masahiro sang it with no hesitation.
He was entranced by him until a fairly loud yelp and bang rang out. Kousuke focused back into reality to realize Masahiro had noticed him listening and staring. It shocked the boy and he ended up dropping the, thankfully empty and plastic, bowl that he was holding. Masahiro quickly bent down to pick it up and knocked his head on the counter as he rushed back to standing and dropped the bowl again. Kousuke couldn't help but chuckle.
He walked over and put the bowl on the counter. He gently put his hand on Masahiro's head and gently rubbed over the spot that he had hit. He could tell that Masahiro was blushing ferociously even with his head downwards.
"You have a beautiful voice Masahiro. And tantalizing hips but I'm sure I've mentioned that before." He laughed as Masahiro fell into his chest with his hands covering his face.
"I thought you weren't supposed to be home for another hour or two, Kou!" He was slightly muffled by Kousuke's jacket.
"I wrapped things up early so I got to leave sooner than usual. Besides if 'i had left at the normal time, I never would have gotten to hear your amazing singing. What song were you singing?" He wrapped his arms around the blonde.
"It's called 'Girassois de Van Gogh' or sunflowers of Van Gogh. It's a song that is in Portuguese; I heard it one time an a late night radio station when I was younger and ended up really liking it. It was the first song I bought when I first got a phone."
"Well I think you sound wonderful singing it. And I'm glad to see you happy enough to be singing and dancing around again."
"Yeah, I've been feeling much better now- wait. You've seen me do that before?" His face was back to full blush and he buried his face deeper in Kousuke's chest. He could feel as he laughed.
"Yes I've noticed it before, but it was only ever humming and whispered words at most."
"Oh thank goodness." Masahiro calmed down again and moved his hands to wrap around Kousuke as he had done. Kousuke leaned down towards Masahiro's ears.
"I wouldn't mind seeing what else that beautiful voice can do tonight after dinner though."
Masahiro's eyes went wide and his face went flush once again. Kousuke broke out in laughter as Masahiro embarrassingly scolded the man. He couldn't but think that this man was going to kill him by flustering him to death.


~1,018 words~
~Here's another requested one shot! This one has also taken me a while, so I hope @karolanini889 enjoys this despite the wait! Like I said I above it is a cool song and I recommend giving it a listen~


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