Save Me Kousuke

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Masahiro, Kensuke, and Hasekura had decided to go out for dinner after school that day. As they were walking towards Shufoku, Masahiro stopped and saw Kousuke walking towards his car. Kensuke and Hasekura also stopped and turned towards what had made him stop, they looked at each other and then at Masahiro, telling him to go talk to him.
They had both known Kousuke had been busy with tests from the testing season and Masahiro hadn't gotten to see him as often.
"Kousuke!" He ran over to him.
"Hey Masahiro." He said, smiling at the sight of how excited Masahiro was to see him.
"Are you going home at regular time?"
"Yeah I am, where are you going?" His eyes gestured towards the other two.
"Oh! We're going to Shufoku, so I'll see you at home!" He kissed Kousuke on the cheek and ran away feeling his cheeks heat up as a dark red blush settled on his face.
Kousuke stood there stunned for a little while as a smirk crept onto his face. He watched Masahiro walk away with the other two boys as Kensuke teased Masahiro for his earlier action. But Kousuke hadn't gotten the chance to saw 'I love you' back, he would come to regret that.
The three boys had made it to Shufoku, sat down, ordered, and started to eat. Hasekura getting a giant order of toppings, as usual. Minutes later, two people walked into the small restaurant. To anybody else they would look normal, just a little ruffed up. But Masahiro knew better, he recognized those two and by the looks on their face's they recognized him too. They were a part of a gang, one that was Toro's rival.
A few minutes later the boys finished eating and had payed. They were walking home and Masahiro would secretly check if they were being followed. For the first few minutes, he didn't think they were but they were. Eventually he noticed. He thought he had hid that he noticed well, but Hasekura had noticed as well, but he had decided to stay quiet about it for now.
When they had come to a cross road by the river bank, Masahiro stopped.
          "Those two are probably only after me, they don't know Kensuke and Hasekura, I just have to split up with them."
"Hey guys, I just remembered... I needed to- to pick up a few things today, so you can just go on without me."
"We'll go with you then Masahiro!"
"No! I mean, no, it's fine. It's getting kinda late. You guys should head back." Kensuke was about to protest but he felt a hand on his shoulder.
"He's right Kensuke, let's head home, he'll be there soon. Ok?"
"Ok... but be safe Masahiro." Kensuke didn't fully believe either of them.
"I will." Masahiro turned and went left while the other two went right. After they were about a block away from the crossroad, Hasekura stopped.
"Kensuke give me your phone."
"Can I see your phone?" He handed it over. Hasekura looked through the contacts and clicked on one.
"Hello? Kousuke?"
"No it's Hasekura."
"Hasekura? What is it? Are you guys ok?"
"Yeah we're fine but I don't think Masahiro is."
"What? What happened to him?" Kousuke was trying to keep calm but the worry seeped into his voice.
"We were being followed by two people and I think they were from gangs. He gave us a lame excuse about needing to go get something and split up with us."
"Ok, are you guys being followed?"
"We aren't, but I saw the two follow Masahiro."
"Where did Masahiro go towards?"
"He went left at the crossroads by the river bank."
"Ok, you two get home. On your way call detective Houjou, tell him what you told me."
"Ok." Hasekura ended the call.
Kousuke grabbed his coat and ran out of the door. He had better chance of finding Masahiro on foot. Only two things were on his mind; one, he would find Masahiro and make sure he was safe, two, if someone did hurt him, they wouldn't see the light of day again.
Masahiro had split from the two boys and ran down the streets only to be followed by the two men. He was trying to lose them but it wasn't working. They weren't trying to hide their presences anymore. A few more minutes of running and Masahiro had come up a dead end in an alley. The two men were slowly closing in on him.
"Hey kid, we don't want to hurt you, answer our questions and you won't."
"I don't know anything I swear!"
"Sure kid." They stepped closer and kicked him making him double over in pain. This was only the beginning.
They kept asking him questions about his old gang. He didn't know any of the answers though, seeing as he hasn't seen any of them for almost a year. But every time he couldn't answer one of their question he got hit, kicked, or punched. When they were starting to get mad and had lost their patience, one had pulled out something Masahiro couldn't see; a pocket knife.
Kousuke ran down the streets and stopped at the river bank crossroad and turned left. He kept running, eyes scanning everyplace looking for Masahiro. He stopped when he heard pained whimpers coming from an alleyway. He turned and ran towards it, he heard more whimpers, and then a blood curdling scream. He willed himself to go faster. He reached the alley and what he saw made his mind go blank, eyes widen, and heart shatter.
He saw Masahiro laying on the ground, clothes torn and dirty, his eyes shut tightly, breathing spastically, in a puddle of his own blood. Two figures stood over him. One with a small pocket knife covered in red. He heard a slight cry of pain from the boy and everything went red.
He ran forward and charged at the two men. He took down both men. Throwing punches and kicks, easily dodging the two men's. Both ended up on the ground, broken bones in so many different places and bones they didn't even know the names to. The were both knocked out in heap and he was about to do even worse to them when he heard a small noise come from behind him and a groan of pain.
"Masahiro." He turned and ran to the boy, picking him gently and siting him in his lap while his head was on his chest.
Now that he was up close he could see Masahiros wounds better. He was looking over them before he eyes landed on the worst one. There was a deep cut on Masahiro's side that was bleeding. It made him cringe in anger.
Kousuke took off his coat and pushed it up against Masahiro's side. He could feel his hands starting to shake. He checked for a pulse just to be safe. He felt a slight beating.
           "Thank god."
"Please Masahiro, stay with me." He softly begged the boy.
He could only hope that Houjou would find them. He couldn't risk moving Masahiro anymore. But soon enough Houjou did find them, he had called an ambulance as well. Kousuke called over the paramedics and the checked Masahiro before putting him on a stretcher and putting him into the ambulance. They offered Kousuke a ride and he hurriedly took it.
He watched as the paramedics stopped the bleeding and patched him up as much as they could.
"He'll be ok."
          "He's strong."
          "He'll pull through."
          His thoughts ran wild in his head.
Kousuke couldn't remember much more from that night. He knows they took Masahiro to a room and patching him up when they got to the hospital. He remembered siting in the chair next to Masahiro's bed. He knows the hours passed slowly, but he must have fallen asleep in the chair eventually.
He awoke to the sound of his name being quietly called. He blinked a couple of times and slowly opened his eyes, squinting at the bright hospital lights. He saw green eyes staring at his.
"Masahiro!" He got up and gently hugged the boy. He lifted his head to look at Masahiro.
"Hey Kousuke." The boy smiled up at him.
          "There's that smile. I missed it." He leaned down and kissed Masahiro.
"I'm so glad you're okay Masahiro, I love you so much Masahiro." Masahiro could feel something warm and wet on his shoulder; Kousuke was crying.
"Kousuke it's okay, I'm right here. I'm ok, and I love you too so much." Masahiro gently rubbed Kousukes back. Kousuke lifted his head to meet his lover's again.
He leaned his lips onto Masahiro's and kissed him again, letting go of the feelings of the past day. They didn't matter. What mattered was Masahiro was here now, he was safe, and they loved each so much.
          "I love you so much Masahiro, I promise I will protect you from now on. I may not be your perfect hero but I will be there for you when you need me most."


These two are so freaking cute and I love them, I promise. Also if your looking for a good anime to watch Hitorijime My Hero is really good!


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