Talking With Our Bodies Pt. 2

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(This is a continuation of a request by @Tobi_The_Big_Gay / @Matchmakerlover @Alexxxandra2020 & @Fucking Deku also requested a part two/ideas to the previous chapter)

     Masahiro had almost made it to lunch before Kousuke's teasing started. Trying out what Kousuke wanted to from their bedroom activities.
     Kousuke came up behind Masahiro and wrapped part of his arm around the boy's waist.
     "How are you doing Masahiro?"
    The blond in question could feel a shiver run down him as Kousuke's voice came so close.
     "I'm doing just fine, sir."
     Both of them were willing to be riskier even in public today because it was the last day. It would only be a half-day where their grade graduation would take place right after. No student or teacher paid any attention to anything that wasn't a clock telling them how long until they were done with school for a good break. That's why Kousuke had brought up trying to get through the day with the plug. And for the whole school day, it went well, of course with Kousuke's flirtatious jokes here and there. But the couple's plans took an unexpected turn where it was least expected; the graduation ceremony.
     The ceremony itself had gone surprisingly well and without any student interruptions. It was almost going so well that they should've expected something to go wrong.
     As soon as the students and faculty had been released from the ceremony, Kousuke broke off from the group with Masahiro with the promise to join up with the others again later to celebrate. He took Masahiro to a secluded place near the back of the school that was mostly covered by a large tree.
     When Kousuke thought they were out of sight behind the tree's trunk, he quickly kissed Masahiro's neck and mumbled into it.
     "So my baby boy made it through the whole day, didn't he?"
     Masahiro's face flushed as he felt excitement shoot through him.
     "Yes Kousuke, sir. I was good and kept it in the whole time." Masahiro let out one of his rare sly smirks.
     "Well, I'd say that you deserve a reward for being so good for me then."
     Masahiro didn't have the time to answer as Kousuke's lips were suddenly attached to his. He took his breath away for a bit before Masahiro melted back into the kiss. Kousuke combed his fingers through Masahiro's hair and held his head as they got more desperate for one another. Just as Kousuke had put his leg between Masahiro's to tease him slightly, he heard a faint dropping sound a loose plastic. His head whipped in the direction of the sound and he was met with eyes similar to Masahiro's. But those weren't his boyfriend's loving and warm eyes, these were distant shocked eyes.
     Masahiro realized Kousuke had backed away suddenly, so he followed his gaze. His face fell instantly at the realization that his mother was standing there with a silently shocked face. The three of them stood in a defining silence as the fallen flowers that Masahiro's mother bought rustled in the wind. Surprisingly Masahiro was the first to find his voice.
     "Mother? What- what are you doing here?"
     "I- I had come for your graduation. But I realized I was late so I went looking to see if I could still catch you before you want to celebrate with your friends." His mother shakily picked up the bunch of wrapped flowers from the ground.
     "I didn't expect you to be here, you've never come to this kind of events." Masahiro had let go of his hold on Kousuke, who's feet remained firmly still, and stepped closer to Megumi.
     "I thought I'd change that since you were in high school now, I didn't want to miss them anymore."
     Masahiro could feel himself getting nervous. He didn't know his mother would truly react to seeing him here with Kousuke. She had only known he was a tutor of sorts to him, and yeah there was the whole situation about his ring and his mother needing money, but even then the detailed facts of their relationship hadn't come to light. But what was he worried for if he thought about it? She'd never even told most of the relationships that she had had a son. So why was he starting to feel like his chest was constricting and like it was hard to breathe? He couldn't shake the feeling and his head started to cloud over with tons of thoughts.
Kousuke, who had been previously frozen, had finally gathered himself together at the sight of Masahiro panicking. He put his hands on Masahiro's shoulders and spoke softer than he usually would.
"We should go back to the house and talk, the others are out right now anyways and will be for a while. It'll be more private there."
Both Masahiro and Megumi slowly nodded and followed Kousuke to his car.
When they got back to the Ooshiba house, Kousuke showed Megumi to the kitchen table while holding Masahiro back by the stairs for a second.
"You should probably 'go change' before we get started."
Masahiro looked at him confused at first before it dawned on him and he rushed up the stairs. He had been so focused on his mom's surprise appearance he had forgotten the whole reason they were behind that tree, the interesting new play that they had been trying out. Kousuke sat at the table in awkward silence with Megumi until Masahiro came pack down in a regular outfit instead of his school uniform. He sat with them and cleared his throat.
"Wh- where should we begin?"
"How long have you been seeing him?" Megumi looked at her son, firing off a quick question.
"I've been seeing Kousuke for close to a year now." The way she didn't say Kousuke's name didn't go unnoticed. She knew who he was even if she didn't know their relationship.
"I thought he was just a tutor for you? And your friend's brother or something. Haven't you thought this through? Why are you even in a relationship with him?" Tears were welling up in Megumi's eyes.
Kousuke has opened his mouth to speak, and probably try to comfort Megumi so that the situation didn't escalate, but Masahiro stopped him. There was something all wrong about this to him. His mother had been mostly absentee his whole childhood and his teenage years up until today; drinking her nights away, bring different men to the house all the time, and leaving Masahiro to clear up after her. It lefts him with hollowing anger. She didn't get to judge his relationship or Kousuke after everything she's done. Masahiro had never felt this way to his mother before, he had always tried to reason with himself that all of it was somehow necessary, but now she was passing a hypocritical conclusion on one of the people who had been there the most for him. And honestly he didn't even know if his mother was reacting this way because she wasn't completely sober. She was good at hiding it if she wasn't wasted.
"Why am I even with him," Masahiro's voice was colder than either had heard it before. "It's because I have thought this through. Even though I've known you for over twice as long as I have Kousuke, he's done a world of healing for me- fixing the mistakes you made. I never believed in the fairy tale happy ending with love and a family because I never had that with you. You don't get to decide now that you're finally going to act like some semblance of a mother."
Masahiro had mostly kept his composure. His voice was steady except for a few cracks. Kousuke looked at him in amazement. He had never seen Masahiro stick up so firmly like this before.
"I think it's time for you to go home. When you can get through this kind of talk respecting the fact that we've come so far, then we can continue."
Megumi was in slight shock over how the talk had gone and decided to head back to their apartment.
As Masahiro was seeing her off, she told him to at least keep the flowers for today. Hetok them with a nod and closed the door behind him.
He walked into the room again and plopped himself onto the couch and buried his face between the cushions.
     "Well I knew you liked my thighs, but I didn't think you enjoyed them that much." Kousuke's chuckled sounded from above the blond.
     He quickly turned his face upwards and saw Kousuke smirking down at him. His face burned red and he hid in his hands. Kousuke rubbed his hair and couldn't help but laugh. This is what they needed after their rush of a day. Sensual, excited, happy, shocked, worried, angry, and so on weren't emotions they had expected to take just a high hold on barely half of a day.
     Kousuke pulled Masahiro closer and kissed his forehead.
     "I think we deserve to just rest like this for a bit."
     "Yeah, just resting will be nice. Every part of me is tired." Masahiro let his body snuggle closer to Kousuke's.
     "I'm sure every part of you absolutely is tired." Kousuke snickered at his joke and Masahiro lightly punched his arm with a blush up to his ears.
     Kousuke turned on the tv as they got comfortable together and intended to get a break with graduation over, even if it had gotten off to an interesting start neither of them had expected.

~1,594 words~
~I'm back from beyond the grave! I know it's been a while but I'm on a holiday break now and intend to get caught up in the requests I had for chapters before my holiday started. This is a more SFW continuation of the previous chapter including a request idea from @Alexxxandra2020 and some of the requests for a part two. Hopefully, you enjoyed this Alexxxandra2020, and it lived up to your expectations even though this took forever to come out, and to those who were hoping for a more NSFW continuation; I promise there's something else for later in the works ;)~


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