Chapter 6

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Morgana's P.O.V

         Looking at Merlin I can tell that he knows that he has feeling for Arthur.But he keeps denying them, I mean sure their both guys buts what's the problem with that. Or it could be that Arthur is a prince and Merlin is a servant. But those are the only.....wait.

      "Merlin do you deny your feelings for Arthur because you have magic." Right when I said that I could tell, because when I looked at Merlin's face I knew that I had my answer. A few minutes passed before Merlin looked up from the ground and said "Morgana the truth is that I-." " WHERE IS MY SON"

   Just before Merlin was going to tell me something, most likely important about Arthur. Uther just had to barge in and ruin everything. I mean really sometimes that man gets on my nerves. I know that he basically raised me and all but still, he can be annoying.

"Where's Arthur, is he here" said Uther in a some what scared voice. And with out any hesitation Merlin just shoots right up and says "he's right her sire, and he's perfectly fine he just probably had..a....a blow to the head during the fight, but don't worry Morgana and I found he and brought he here safe and sound."

With out even looking at us he just ran right through us saying "good job o the both of you."
    I mean really he couldn't take one second to look us in the eye and say thank you, it's not like Arthur's dying or anything. He's perfect fine just like what Merlin said.

  Am I even listening to my self right now I'm over reacting like crazy. "Bring he to his chambers" said Uther as the two knights following him picked up Arthur and headed out the door with Merlin following them and me following Merlin.

Merlin's P.O.V

     As Morgana and I followed Uther and Arthur down the corridors all I could think about was who were we actually fighting. I mean we saw their army but we didn't see them. And I know that we weren't fighting anyone normal because running through the battle field I sensed something, something that kind of felt like magic. But I can't be to sure because that wasn't my priority when I was running through the battle field to get Arthur before it was to late.

Okay Merlin just stop thinking about think about anything else in the world but not that. But then the only other thing that comes to mind is what Morgana said about me having feeling for Arthur. And maybe she's right... wait Merlin what are you doing you can't have feeling for Arthur.

      Okay Merlin even IF you did have feeling for Arthur nothing would be come of it so there's no use in thinking about what if's.

We arrived at Arthur chamber and no one has said a word ever since we left the physicians chambers. We all walked into the room were we met Gaius.

  Uther was the first to break the silence "Gaius what do you think the best option is." Gaius took one look at Arthur and then back to the king "sire it's best if he just gets some sleep, but I would recommend that some one watches him tonight to make sure that nothing changes."

"Fine then, you, servant boy you know some things about being a physician you watch Arthur tonight and if anything changes alert Gaius first then me got it!" "Yes sire!" The way the Uther was talking to me was very demanding even a little more demanding than his usually self.

"Well then that settles it good night every one" and with that Uther walked out of Arthur's chamber with the two lights following him. "Goodnight Gaius, goodnight Merlin see you in the morning" then Morgana left. "Goodnight my boy, and good luck"then Gaius was gone and he closed the door behind him.

So I took a seat at Arthur desk which was facing his bed. And as I was watching him I keep trying not to drift off to sleep because I was so low on energy from healing Arthur. Then I relived I gave almost all of my energy to save him then I'm using the rest oh my energy to watch this Dollop head sleep I mean what could really happen while he's asleep.

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