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Taeil and his soon to be wife moved into a new home way too early. Maybe they couldn't wait, maybe they were excited, maybe they were just too in love to care whether the decision they were making was right or not. It was too late to go back on that decision though seeing that they have moved in together already so if a situation came up along the way then they'll work through it together because, well they are in this together.

Despite all the warnings Taeil got from friends and family, even his own gut feeling that he shouldn't move this fast with his fiancée, that he should at least wait until after his wedding and vows are said and the deed done to move in together but he was just blinded by the thought of love so he through the consequences to the side and dived right into it or the illusion of it.

Taeil is a Lecturer at his father's University. He isn't doing this job because of his father, he is here because he wanted to be a teacher of some sort. It didn't matter where he taught as long as he was able to accomplish his dream of ingraining his knowledge into the students that attend his classes. He always liked the thought of being rewarded with the students understanding what he taught and it was even a greater achievement when the students passed his subject. He taught Social Science even though he is qualified to lecture other subjects such as Psychology and Business Management, he remains in this department because he solely wanted to focus on this area.

Taeil's Fiancée Eun was the daughter of a famous ex model who is worth millions. She didn't work, and she never felt the need to as yet but she was well educated. They met through their parents but it wasn't arranged, just friend's introducing their kids. That happened about a year and three months ago and now they are engaged. Was it is too fast? Maybe. Was it too fast in Taeil's head. No. Was it too fast in Eun's head? She doesn't even know.


Two month's until he will be able to call the love of his life 'wife'. He had just gotten back from work at a reasonable time and his Fiancée wasn't home, probably out with friends. She never really did like staying one place too long so he wasn't even surprised to come home to an empty house.

But what's still surprising is that he still hasn't met his neighbor and he was sure someone lived in that house. Mail was being delivered there and every once in a while persons who he guessed, were his neighbor's friends, would stop by to visit but would have to leave because no one's home. It was confirmed when his other neighbor told him that someone does live there but he isn't there at the moment but Taeil is starting to think that no one actually lived there and it was abandon.

The chestnut hair male was now sitting outside on his lounge chair relaxing, taking in the fresh air. He has been living here for a month and couple of days now and this neighborhood was very quiet and calming which Taeil is happy for especially now since exams are taking place at the University so he has a lot of marking to do and a lot of stress ahead.

Taeil isn't sure if the neighborhood was too quiet or he has amazing hearing because he could have swore he heard his ghost neighbor's door went 'click'. No, it can't be. Someone seriously lives there? Bullshit. He just went back to chilling on his lounge chair, taking deep breaths and closed his eyes then he thought 'yea, maybe I'm hallucinating'.

Maybe he wasn't because just a few minutes later a shadow now invaded his natural sun rays, or what's left of it, that he was soaking up. At first he struggled to open his eyes because believe it or not the chestnut hair male actually fell asleep in that couple of minutes. Don't judge him, University is stressful and at least he is holding up, barely. A chuckle was heard before Taeil opened his eyes and he may or may not have let out an unmanly squeal.

"Hi neighbor."

Taeil was still in a state of shock because fuck he scared the shit out of him and it didn't help that he was easily frightened either and bonus this god damn man is giant. He didn't give Taeil anytime to recover and continued talking.

"My Name is single, are you ready to mingle?"

'What the fuck kind of cheesy ass line is that?' It took a couple seconds for Taeil to register that it was his missing neighbor that was talking to him and completely forgetting the last thing his neighbor said, he stood up too quickly and the world started to spin and he ended up falling forward. Luckily his neighbor had a somewhat good reflex and caught him in time, wrapping his arms around his waist, securing his hold.

"Hey! You okay buddy?"

Taeil nodded gentle pushing himself off his neighbor, fixing his appearance then he finally started to talk after clearing his throat.

"Um, you must be Gho- my neighbor. My name is Moon Taeil and me and my Fiancée just moved in a couple of weeks ago."

"Oh really? You're engaged." He said more to himself than to Taeil. The ladder nodded and Johnny continued.

"Interesting. My name's Johnny."

"Yo Johnny boy!"

"Well I'm being called, I'll see you soon. Very soon." Johnny not so subtly eyed Taeil from head to toe before he left.

Okay, so his neighbor hasn't actually disappeared which is good. Something about his neighbor was off though, he wasn't sure but he'll maybe get know sooner or later. Maybe sooner.


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