He Loves Me (A Teacher Student Lovestory)

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He Loves Me (A Teacher Student Lovestory)

Cher patted down her lustrous brown hair making sure she wouldn't damage the curls. Cher leaned on her Mercedes here trench coats buttons scratching the car. Where were Stacy and Mac? She looked out on the main road to see if her red audi may be there. To her dismay it wasn't there but a silver Lexus pulled into the parking lot. That wasn't a car she remebered. A handsome guy with spiked up hair in an argle sweater and cute dark wash fitted jeans emerged. He was cute and Cher was definetly looking forward to getting to know him, after all she was on the welcoming commitee.

He was entering the building when a familiar screech of tires interupted her thoughts. She looked over to the entrance where she saw Stacy's brand new red Audi. She emerged out of the car after parking crooked and screamed, "Cher! Omigod I like totally missed you!" Stacy ran over to her and embraced her in a tight bear hug. After a minute of barely breathing, Stacy released.

"Hey Stacy..." Cher said weakly, "Where's Mac?"

"Oh his car finally got repaired so he driving that again, but i left like five minutes before him so he should be here any minute." replied Stacy. Mac was her brother and Cher's boyfriend had always had feelings for Mac but she admitted them to Mac about a year ago, and he had the same feelings for her but he was too shy. By the time Mac arrived a couple more cars had come and both of the girls were sitting gossiping on the bench.

"Hey girls!" greeted Mac. He kissed Cher then they continued into sc hool. Sta cy left because she had to talk to a teacher and I walked hand in hand with Mac. Mac was absolutely perfect and I liked him and I wouldn't want anyone else.


Sorry it is so short and boring but please read on, do it for the children! Do IT!

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