He Loves Me

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Thanks so much to my fans and the people who commented and voted last chappy! This chapter is dedicated to you! I swear I wouldn't have written without the support.


I entered his house which was amazingly large as my house. We entered his kitchen where he started pulling out things.

"What are you doing?" i asked.

"Well you shouldn't go hungry, so I thought I'd make you dinner. We shall be serving pasta with red sauce and tiramisu. Want to help?" He said.

" Oh that is sweet, and yes." I replied. He set me to working on dicing tomatoes. He pulled me away from that when I nearly cut off my hand.

" Sorry I have never cooked, my maid did it for me." I gushed. I quickly added, "Mr. Calais."

"That's ok, but you will soon have to learn." he said, " By the way, call me Enrique." Enrique Calais, that name was familar. I set to stirring the sauce, while we talked.

He came over after a while and said, " Oh you'll burn the sauce if you do it so slow, here" He put his arms around me and controlled my hands. His head was slightly above my shoulder. HE started making me stir the sauce faster. I felt him sniffing my hair then his face snugled in my shoulder. I pretended not to notice. Then he kissed my neck a few times. I shut the gas and turned to look at him. His hands moved to my waist and he stared dead in my eyes. He leaned in to kiss me and I kissed back, his kiss was ten times better then i ever imagined. He licked the bottom of my lip asking for entrance and I gave it to him, I pulled back for air. He didn't stop he started kissing down my jawline. He walked me over to the couch, still kissing me and he sat down. He started pulling at my shirt and I rested my hands on his chest. He chest was muscular and strong, it was toned but didn't hurt if you hugged him.I pulled away when I started realizing what I was doing. He looked at me hurt and confused.

" I have to go, can you please drive me home?" I asked.

" Look I'm sorry." He stood up put his hands on my waist and said. I pushed his hands off and said, " Please...this is wrong you could go to jail!"

" I would go to jail for you."

" Please just drive me home." I loved him too. But it was illegal, this relationship.


I felt like an ass. I kissed my student, i made her feel scared. WHy didn't I follow the rules? Wen I dropped her to her house I told I was sorry but she couldn't talk to me. She ran out of the car and to her walkway, where she finally slowed down. But her kiss was amazing, that I would give anything to relive that again. Why did I ruin everything?

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