He Loves Me (A Teacher Student Lovestory ) PICTURE OF MAC

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I was curled up on the floor quietly sobbing. It hurt so much. Emotionally and physically. He was right now pulling up his pants and putting on his clothes which he had taken off when he had raped me. I lay naked on the floor with my dress draped over me like a throw.

"I am sorry it had to be this way," Mac spat "but you didn't give me what I want, and I was tired of waiting." When he said that the tears came out harder.The pain, the misery, and to think he wanted this for me? Light from the elegantly decorated hallway flooded the room for a moment when Mac opened the door.

"You coming, bitch?" he said. I nodded no weakly.

"Fine have it your way," he said and left and closed the door, leaving me in darkness. The light of the moon was the only light coming the the medium sized window. I tried to get up but a searing pain came on my bottom area. I moaned and fell to the ground. I still managed to get my bra and underwear on but just left it at that. I felt to ashamed to put the dress on again, I could never be pretty again after what I had suffered. I lay there for about an hour, just crying, because my prince hadn't come yet.


I was dancing with my bitch of a sister when I saw Mac livid and completely dishevled coming out of the Main Hallway. CHer wasn't with him and i had a feeling something good hadn't happened to her. I started to pull away from my sister.

"Enrique, you can't be serious you promised me you wouldn't leave me during the middle of a dance again after what happened at the last gala," she said gripping my hands and digging her nails into the palms of my hand. I waved to the orchestra to make the song go faster and they did but my sister insisted on dancing slowly.

I managed to catch up with Mac by the time he got to the limo.

"Where's Cher?" I asked.

'Why do you care?" he replied pushing me.

"Where is she?" I asked raising my tone just a bit louder.

"She is upstairs in one of the rooms, good luck finding her," he mockingly said, got into the limo and drove away. He had locked up the most precious thing in the world to me and god knows what he did to her. I raced into the ball room up the stairs opening and closing whatever door I could find, but none contained Cher.



After he had ripped my dress away he drove me into the wall, the pain, it hurt so much I would never be the same.....

I snapped back into reality when i heard the door open. Someone walked over to me and cradeled me in their arms. I looked over and to see if it was Mac begging for forgiveness but it wasn't, it was Enrique.

"Who did this to you?"

"Mac," I weakly cried. He pulled me deeper into his chest smothering me in the starch of his shirt. He pulled me in closer, and the steady rising and falling of his chest was soothing.

"I am going to take you to the hospital and we need to report this rape."

"No, I can't, he'll hurt me if i tell anyone," I said.

"You told me. Now we have to go to a hospital and preform a rape kit ok? Then you decide whether you want to report it."

"Ok," I said. I didn't want but I had to. And I was secretly thankful he made me.

The hospital was a swirl of white lights and me being rushed to a room. They tried to question me but I couldn't do it. I was too weak. I heard the doctor say some thing to Enrique and then I fell asleep.

I woke up in Enrique's house lying on a bed, he was laying right next to me discomfort was clouding his face. He was playing with my hair and humming a tune of some sort.

'What did they say?" I asked. He suddenly looked at me and smiled the fustration vanishing from his face.

"You need rest, to eat and talk about what happened to you. A clean bill of physical health but you must be hurt emotionally." he replied.

"You know that day when asked me to pick between you and Mac?" I asked.

"Yeah why?"

"I pick you," I replied. A smile spread across his face and he pulled me into a kiss. He asked for entrance which I gave him and he held my waist while pulling me closer to him. Closer to him. That sounded nice.

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