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Sunlight was flooding into Enrique's room bouncing off several glass surfaces when I woke up. I glanced around to see where Enrique was, but was dismayed to not see him. I sauntered into his kitchen to see if he was there but the same silence deafened my ears. I strolled into the living room to see if was there, but he wasn't. Where was he? I strolled over to the large floor to ceiling window in the living room and looked out onto the greens. They were perfectly manicured and Hunter Lake shimmered like a million diamonds out in the distance.

I felt a pair of hands encircle my waist.

"Enrique, what are you doing?" I asked.

"Wrong, it's Mac," the voice said in a singsong voice. I ripped my body out of the mystery person's arms. Shit, it was Mac.

"Why did you call me Enrique?" he asked.

"Slip of the tongue," I hastily said.

"Really, is that true Cher? I mean since we're in his house it makes sense, and don't worry I won't tell anyone." he said as he took a step towards me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked taking a step back.

"Oh just checking on you to see how you were doing," he smirked and he took a step towards me," You look good Cher, even after what I did." I swallowed hard trying not to scream as he advanced towards to me.

"Where's Enrique?" I asked trying not to make eye contact with him.

"That doesn't matter doll," he said angrily," Isn't that what he calls you?" He pressed me against the window.

"Answer me!" he bellowed. I kept my mouth shut.

"Well whether you tell me or not I will still punish you." He hitched my shirt up and scratched slowly but deeply into my skin. I started screaming as loud as I possibly could, at least someone would save me from this terror. Please Enrique I need you, I thought desperately.

Suddenly, I felt like I was being shaken like someone was trying to wake me up.

"Cher, Cher, Cher, wake up!" I heard the voice grow louder. My eyes snapped open and Enrique was hovering over me, shaking me.

"What happened?" I asked groggily.

"You started screaming in your sleep, I guess you were having a bad dream," he replied as though he was suddenly relieved, "Come on let's get you some breakfast, we have to go to the grocery store."

It was just a dream. Phew.

"Really?" I groaned.

"Yes, really," he said, "and then we get to go to your house so you can get some stuff for your stay here for the next week." I groaned loudly and grabbed the covers and put them over my head. He ripped them off and the cold overtook my whole body.

"Come on we have to go to your house," he said and sat me upright, "and breakfast is on the table, so chop chop!" He left the room singing some kind of tune.


We reached her house and I helped her out of the car. She was still in her white dress so she looked angelic as she climbed the stairs to her house. One she reached the top step she clutched her stomach and fell down. A loud whimper escaped from her lips.

"Cher, is everything ok?" I said as I sunk down by her to see if she was ok.

"Yeah," she gasped, "I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" I said looking at her hands which were still digging into her stomach. They relaxed suddenly and expression on her face eased back into her usual peaceful smile.

"Yeah let's go into the house."

She walked in and stared at the large staircase which led to her room. She wouldn't be able to go up it or she would have another flare.

"I could carry you up," I offered. She turned to look at me and she was blushing furiously.

"Would you do that for me?" she said looking down at her feet the redness from her cheeks turning fire-engine red.

"Sure," I advanced towards and carried her up the stairs. She was still blushing furiously as I carried her up. I was still wearing my crushed tux from the ball and she was still wearing her white dress. She looked like a princess being carried up by her prince. Wait, what? Her Prince? She probably didn't even love me! She probably kissed me because she felt sorry for me.

I set her down at the top of the stairs and she walked over to her room. She strolled over to her closet which was overflowing with tops, jeans, blouses, dresses, tights, shoes, etc.

"I have nothing to wear!" she sighed. I snorted and started to laugh.

"What's so funny?" she said looking at me.

"You do too have something to wear! You have like every top in the world in your closet!"

"Ugh," she turned away from me and pulled out a suitcase and started leafing through her closet. After about forty-five minutes her suitcase was packed and she started to look for an outfit to wear.

"Uh Enrique..."


"Can you go outside, I kind of have to change." she started smiling trying to hide the awkwardness she was probably feeling.

"Oh yeah I'll wait in the hallway." I blushed, feeling embarrassed. I heard her close the door and I leaned against the wall next to her door. I imagined being in the room right now, she would now slip off the dress revealing her in her bra and underwear. Then she would slip off her bra... I mentally slapped myself, she was my student! But we kissed! But still, I couldn't think about that, maybe when she was older, maybe then.

She opened the door and came out with her suitcase in hand. I helped her down the stairs and into the car, trying to put out of my mind what I was just thinking about.

"Sometimes I wish you were a little older Cher," I whispered so softly so that only I could hear.

"What?' she asked, straining to hear me.

"I didn't say anything," I lied.

"Oh, ok," she said and smiled. I hated it. I hated every moment of lying to her. I just wanted to kiss her forever without having to be afraid of what would happen if someone found out. But I would have to restrain myself till she got a bit older and till she moved away from here, to place where no one would know us and we could marry each other and live happily ever after.

Who was I kidding? She wouldn't marry me; she would just find some other teenager and fall in love with him.

I was just being used to get over a rape, she probably felt sorry for me. I spent my time harping after girl who was a little too young for me. I was some kind of mental case, and I was afraid of the fact that I always would be.

Her love was just a dream...


Ok there. He's started to doubt her love. Now this story is going to move a little slower in terms of Enrique and Cher. Why? Because he's her teacher and she's his student. It is illegal.

Now the next chapter is going to super awesome!! So VOTE and COMMENT or I will not post the next chapter which you will want to read!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2010 ⏰

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