He Loves Me

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He Loves Me by wattacutie



He kissed me. And I kissed him back!




We Kissed! I walked around the house frantically trying to calm myself down. I knew I wouldn't able to, because why? I kissed my teacher! i poured my self a glass of OJ and sat down and tried to for get about it. I switched on Make It or Break It, one of my favorite TV shows. I tried to lose my self in the drama of gymnastics. But at the edge of my mind what happened about an hour ago was still fresh.

I woke up next morning getting into a red Aeropostale top and black skinnies. I put on some on some eyeliner and paired it with a darkwash denim jacket a pulled my hair from out of the jacket and slipped into my black converses. I flipped my hair grabbed my kate spade bag and got into my Mercedes. I drove with the top down which I hadn't done in a long time, since most times I didn't want to mess up my hair. But fuck my hair, today I had to figure out what happened last night, with yours truly. I arrived at the school a hour early I knew he would be there, despite my early arrival.

I stormed into his classroom and saw him there with his head in his hand his elbows crushing several essays and papers. I opened the door gently to his classroom and walked in, I shut it behind me gingerly. He looked up quickly and asked, " What are you doing here so early?"

"You know what I want." I replied looking him dead in the face.

"Oh, last night. I am extremely sorry about that, and I promise that won't happen again." he said looking down at his shoes, like a five-year old who was in trouble.

"Well, I don't seem to believe you,....because I like you to Enrique. And I guess what I am trying to say is that i guess that was too fast what happened last night." At the part where I said I like him he stood up and his face brightened.

"You shouldn't believe me because it will happen again, and well again is now." He strode over to me and put his hands on my waist and pulled into his body. he put his lips on mine and kissed me. When we both drew back he looked to me for my reaction, and I smiled back at him. His face relaxed when he saw me approve of what he had just done.

"Enrique, what will happen if we're caught?" I asked.

"Well I will be sent to jail, so we will have to keep this private." I nodded and sat down in a chair next to him.

"Hey do want to help me grade papers?" he made the mundane tasks sound like going to an amusement park.

"Sure, I would love to."

"Awesome." He slid his hand around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I didn't move it. I pretended not to notice it and I liked it.


There was just six year difference between us. She was 18 and I was 24. Next year she would be in college and then we could be together in public, freely. After all my mother and father both had a six year diffrence between each other, so did my grand parents, and my sister and I were also six years apart. Gisele was Cher's age, I would make sure that she would meet her.

Cher left the room when several people started coming into the school. A group of senior girls started coming and asking me,"Do you have a girlfriend?","How old are you?", "Do you like someone?", and "Will you sign my boobs?". The last one completely appalled me and I walked away.

A couple of the girls followed me, but I managed to lose them.

I got changed for gym and walked out of the locker room. Cher was holding Mac but wasn't kissing him she was talking to her friends but his hand was still around her. That anger which burned inside still was there, but I put it out of my thoughts. I made everyone run for about five minutes and then everyone did the streches. This week was tennis week so we headed out to the tennis courts to practice. Cher was having trouble finding a partner since Mac was at last minute football practice.

"Hey I will be your partner." I said. She looked around one last time and said ok. We went to an empty court and she served. I hit back the same vengeance that she served with.

"Making sure that we were alone I asked " Cher you're still with Mac, right?"

"Yeah", she said as she hit the ball perfectly making it soar over the net.

"But you are with me right?"

"Yeah, but I still have feelings for him."

"You will have to choose at one point , you know that right?" I asked hitting the ball back.

"I know, but not now, the answer should come to me." she replied, her confusion angered me. Why couldn't she just pick me? At that point a bunch of girls came and said that Tinsley broke her knee.

"Hey Cher, why don't you play with Amarie!" I shouted over to her.

"Kay." I ran over to where tinsley was hurt, but realized that she had only bruised her knee. By the time I got back to Cher she was standing playing with Mac, and they were having a good time. At one point while I was watching them Mac ran up to her and kissed her and said something to her whcich made her laugh. I couldn't get it. Mac got Cher, the most beautiful and funny girl ever; and I got a bunch of girls wanting me to sign their boobs. It wasn't fair.


Hey guys please leave acomment and vote or I won't upload!!!!!! Please do it for the children!!!!!

Oh and tell me what team you are on..




Truly Wattacutie!

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