He Loves Me ( A Teacher/Student Lovestory )

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We pulled in front of the ballroom and got out and walked down the carpet to the entrance. The ballroom was decorated beautifully with white roses and red velvet curtains and table cloths. At least 200 people were already there dancing and mingling. The entrance to Pachabel's Cannon started playing and Mac led me on to the dance floor and pulled into a waltz.

"This is nice," I smiled into his eyes and rested my head partially on his shoulder. The song soon ended and another drink awaited us and was given to us by a man in a white tailcoat.

"You look very nice tonight ma'am," the server said staring at my chest. Mac gave him a hard glare. The server quickly skirted away given Mac's death glare.

"Mac it's OK, chill," I reassured him "there are a bunch of perverts here don't worry." He smiled back at me and said "Hey I have to go to the restroom, I will be right back." I nodded and glanced around the room not recognizing any people I knew. It had been like four years, what was I doing here? I am basically an out cast to high society life. I sighed and leaned on a snack table.

"Well you look quite beautiful tonight," a velvety voice said. I turned around to look at a pair of deep brown eyes staring into mine. It was Enrique.

"Hey," I exclaimed," what are you doing here?"

"Oh I am here with my sister, Miss Gisele Calais." he said with a slight tinge of disgust in his voice. "Would you like to hear about some boring introductions while you treat me to a dance?"

"Yes I would love too," I said. He pulled me into his arms and we danced for a while until I was ripped out of his arms by Mac.


"I leave you for one minute and you're dancing with some other guy?" he said, livid.

"This other guy has a name," Enrique shot back.

"We were just dancing Mac," I pleaded.

"Whatever come on Cher let's go home." Mac said as he pulled me away gruffly. We walked up three flights of stairs and walked down a long hallway untill we reached an empty room in which he pulled me into.

"Sorry about that babe, I wanted to get you away from that dirt bag." he mumbled while pressing me against a wall and kissing my jawline. He started to pull away my dress when I pushed him away.

"Mac we aren't doing this you know how i feel about having sex, I want to wait." I said stiffly. " And he isn't a dirt bag!"

"Sorry babe," he said and started kissing me again.

"Mac, please understand I want to wait," I pleaded.

"Sorry," he muttered and started to pull my dress away again.

"Mac," I started to push him away again but he pushed with a hard force back into the wall and started to rip my dress off. As I silently let him do that tears came to my face, it was happening again.

And there was no one there to save me.

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