He Loves Me

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We entered the building a swoosh of hair blowing up my hair, messing up the curls I had spent so much time putting in the morning. Mac looked at me frantically trying to fix my hair, he laughed and said "It's perfect as it is Cherry." Cherry was my nickname he had given me when we were best friends and he still used that even today. He gave me a kiss and went to his locker to get his books for English. I met Stacy again at our lockers, we were chatting about some random stuff but I kept on looking around for the mystery guy I had seen in the parking lot, but he was nowhere to be found.

I was pulled away by Brighton my welcoming comitee partner who said we had to go welcome a teacher. We went to room 101 which was the old english room which had been converted into a history room. I walked into the room a couple students were there chatting amongst themselves, I looked for the new teacher but he was nowhere to be found.

"Why don't we wait for him, he should be here in a couple minutes." Brighton suggested.

"Yeah I can wait for a couple minutes." I replied. I glanced around the room. Several glossy posters were littering the walls stating timelines of important historical eras. The large window on the side of the room shed a soft light on the whole room and several bookshelves lined the walls filled with history textbooks and extra paper and pencils, etc. I heard someone enteer the room, I turned to look. It was the teacher, and he was the cute guy in the parking lot. Oh crap this year would be awkward. So much for senior year.

Enrique' s View

I pulled into the school parking lot where I would teaching. I was silently grateful I had gotton a job fresh out of college, because my friends mostly only had substitute teaching jobs. I shut the door of my lexus and continued to the door. While walking there I saw a beautiful girl texting on her phone. Her hair was a wavy soft brown and she flipped her hair as I looked at her. She turned to look at me and I gave her a seductive smile. She stared smiled back and returned to texting. I started to wish I would see her again when i remebered she was probably on of my students. I mentally slapped myself and entered the building.

The building was massive the lobby had several different hallways leading out of the lobby and to class rooms the walss were covered with poster and plaques and pictures of certain faculty. I took a deep breath and continued into the office. A brunette secretary in her mid-30's stared up at me and asked what I needed, I explained to her that i was a new teacher and needed to know where my room was. SHe got up and led me down a long hallway where several kids were bumping into me. After what felt like ten minutes she stopped and pointed to a room. I entered and saw the girl from the parking lot. She was so stunned by me she fell off the desk she was sitting on and fell with a hard thump on the floor.

"Are you ok?" i asked while taking her hand and lifting her up. She nodded wearily and I looked in her eyes she had brown eyes flecked with gold flecks. She was absolutely beautiful and i knew one thing for sure, she was my new object of affection.


I will try and make it more interesting in the next part kay so keep reading!

Puhleez listen to the music with this.

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