He Loves Me ( A Teacher/Student Lovestory )

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This was going to be the most beautiful night ever, I just knew it. I was going to a wonderful ball with my boyfriend and everything was going to be perfect. I went into my closet and pulled out my favorite white strapless dress. It had a black and white flower bodice and it had a white skirt with black delicate flowers. Mac was wearing a black tux so we'd be coordinated. I unwrapped my bath robe and slipped on the dress. It still fit and it looked amazing. I shook out my hair which I blow-dried into perfect curls with draped my shoulders. I put in my mother's diamond hair pin and admired myself for a little bit, twirling around in front of the mirror. I put on my makeup and grabbed the black clutch purse I had and slipped on my black stilettos. The doorbell rang and I rushed over to open it. Mac stood there gaping at me.

"You-,You- look amazing Cher," he stuttered.

"Thank you my prince," I said cheesily as I pulled him into a long kiss. He finally pulled back and we were both gasping for air. When I pulled back to look at him he was wearing a fitted Calvin Klein suit and I secretly wondered how he could afford that despite his family barely getting by. I heard two loud honks from a limo that was parked in the driveway.

"You got me a limo? Wow that's class," I happily said. He ushered me into the limo where to sparkling ciders were sitting on a silver tray. Wow this night was going to be absolutely perfect.


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