He Loves Me

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The teacher picked me up and I had a chance to look at him. He had deep brown eyes with a chiseled face and he had black hair with looked so soft.

"Yeah I'm fine, I'm just a clumsy oaf." I laughed.

"That's fine, at least you're ok, for minute there i thought you might have broken something." he replied smirking. God his smirk was so sexy; I slapped myself mentally, I had a boyfriend and he was my teacher!

"So what's your name?" he asked. "Brighton, Mr. Calais," Brighton interjected "and this is Cher, we're part of the welcoming commitee and we just wanted to say hi and make you comfortable. We got to get to class so we got to go; but if you need any help with finding stuff you can ask us or any one of the students here at Westerfield High." Brighton pulled me out of the room gripping my arm so hard I thought my circulation would stop. I managed to wave goodbye to Mr. Calais and followed Brighton.

"God, he was looking at you if you were his favorite food or something, you know?" Brighton said as he let go of my arm, the were red marks of the shape of his fingers on my skin.

"Brighton look what you did." I said pointing to the marks which just weren't going.

"Sorry, but back to the subject, you be careful around Mr. Calais, ok," I kept on looking at the marks, "OK?" he finally screamed.

"Yeah ok, Bright! Just chill, I'll be fine." I huffed and walked away. Brighton was my best friend throughout elementary school and he had feelings for me then, but when I hooked up with Mac he became extremely jealous of him and wouldn't talk to me for the first couple of weeks of Mac's and my relationship.

I went over to my locker and pulled out my schedule and checked how many classes I had with Mr. Calais. I had gym, advisory, and history with him so I would see him for most of the day. Stacy saw me and excitedly asked " Did you see Mr. Calais? Our history teacher, he's so hot! I get dibs on him!"

" Stace, he our teacher I don't want to go out with him! That's sick!" I joked. But Mr. Calais wasn't hot he was more than that, definetly more.

We got changed for gym, and I was excited to see Mr. Calais. God, this was unhealthy, the crush I had on Mr. Calais, i mentally resolved to stop it , but i knew that wouldn't be possible.

Enrique's POV

I finshed changing into my stuff for gym, and I walked into the gym where a bunch of girls and boys were standing chatting my eyes scanned for Cher. She was wearing a tight pink nike top, cute white shorts and silver sneakers. She was standing next to guy with blonde hair, he was holding her hands and looking into her eyes. She was looking into his eyes as well. He leaned into kiss her and she kissed him, his hands went to her waist pulling her into the kiss more. An anger so great burned in me when I saw him kissing her. And for a reason i didn't know why. I strode over to her and ripped the guy off her. She looked at me dumbfounded and hurt.

"What's your problem, man?" screamed the guy who was kissing her.

" Mac, calm down." whispered Cher.

"No public displays of affection." I said grittng my teeth. I walked away from them feeling everyone's gaze on me. I turned around and conducted gym class. I felt Cher glaring at me throught class, advisory and history. After school I started to pack up my stuff and I strode out to the courtyard it was five-thirty and i saw a figure sitting on the bench her hands in her face. i walked up to and realized it was Cher.

"What's wrong Cher?" I asked. SHe looked at me then replied, "Long Day and someone punctured my tires on my car, and AAA guy is taking forever to come. Thing is my parents died a couple years ago so i have no one to pick me up. Stacy is shopping at a sample sale. And Mac is at band practice which doesn't end for another hour. "

"Why don't I drive you home?" I asked.

"Sure, but we'll be stuck in traffic for three hours."

"Where do you live?"


"Why don't you come to my house for a little bit till' traffic clears up and then I can drive you home."

"Sure." she said still staring her hands. I led her to my car helped her get buckled and we drove to my house. The weird thing was i felt that what i was doing was a big mistake.


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Thanks so much to Phoenix-54 for becoming my fan or I wouldn't have written this part!

Please listen to the music with this story!

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