He Loves Me (A Teacher/Student Lovestory)

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He pulled away after kissing me and smiled playing with my hair.

"You need to talk about what happened to you," he said looking at my hair still.

"I can't it's too shameful, and I feel that if i talk about it the more I'll remember the pain and the misery of it all."

"But the the therapist who was trying to question you said that you need to tell someone about, and what better person than me?" he said.

"I don't want to talk about ok?" I huffed and tried to remove myself from the bed.

"Ok, ok doll, we don't have to talk about but at least write it down sometime. She knows what she's doing just write it down, please, for me, I won't read it. She needs you to write it down!" he screamed. I felt tears rush to my eyes.

"I'm so sorry, it's just what he did was so horrible," he pleaded. I managed to push myself off the bed and limped over to the living room. He came into the room a couple minutes afterward, in sleep shorts and and a gray muscle tee.

"Uh can you please drive me home?" I said quietly admiring his toned chest and abs.

"No the doctor said you need to stay with me," he stiffly said.

"Please," I sobbed,"take me home or to Stacy's house, please!" He came over and pulled my shoulders harshly to him so that my face was about a half a centimeter away. He kissed me and then hugged me.

"You can't go home, doctors orders, Cher, she only trusts me. Now would you like some dinner, we didn't eat at the ball?" he mumbled in my ear.

"Sure," I said wiping my tears.

"Sit down dinner will be ready in a couple minutes," I obeyed quietly and turned the Tv on. Nothing but junk was on so I went to his Tivo recordings. Oh. My. God. He watched the Vampire Diaries. OMG! I played it, and towards the middle he brought in dinner.

"I can't believe you watch this show! " I gushed.

"I heard several girls at school talking about this show, so I wondered what the hype was about." he sheepishly said.

"Really?" I questioned.

"No, I got obsessed with this show when it started, there. I can't lie to you, you make it too hard," he said.

"You got a little cooler, Mr. Calais."

"As if I wasn't already, Ms. Beltam."

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