Chapter 5

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Calypso backed away from the railing and followed the other inklings in through the giant archway into the arena.

The archway lead into a room that circled the entire arena. All around were benches with inklings putting on different gear and stretching. On the other side of the room was a glass window that looked out into the arena. Like the room, the window circled the entire arena. It was just a big circle.

She looked out of the window and down into the arena below. It wasn't what she was expecting. She saw pathways of concrete and one of two cars and a couple of trees. It looked like part of a city, not an arena.

She could see people watching from the floors below. The crowd wasn't huge, and the arena wasn't even close to being full, but there was still a couple hundred inklings and other creatures here watching.

As she was staring down into the arena, she saw 4 inklings in squid form on each side of the arena. She was sure they weren't there a second ago.

Out of nowhere, she heard a loud sound. The inklings in the arena popped up and started shooting colored liquid everywhere. The crowd started to cheer.

As she watch, the liquid appeared to be ink. They were shooting ink everywhere! One side had a light blue ink, while the other had purple. It seemed like both team were trying to cover up as much turf as possible.

Calypso was fascinated, but was interrupted by the sound of her Splatphone.

It vibrated and made a ding sound. She grabbed it out of her pocket and looked down at the screen. It had a message.

"Welcome to your first Turf War. You have been assigned Number 57. Wait for your number to be randomly called. When called, step onto one of the portals to be transported to the arena. Please go to your inventory and select your gear and weapon. Good luck."

Calypso read the message a couple of times over before it disappeared. She opened her inventory to look at her gear. She had no new clothes, but she had something that she wasn't expecting. She had a weapon.

She stared at the icon for a couple of seconds, and read the weapons name, Splattershot Jr. She pressed her finger down on the icon, and the next thing she new she was holding it.

The gun wasn't sleek, it was more of a white rectangular box with a handle, but it wasn't bad. Holding the gun in her hands, it was the first time since waking up that something felt right. Felt natural.

It felt almost too natural. But if felt good at the same time.

She heard another noise. The battle was over already? It only seemed to last about 3 minutes.

She looked back out the window and saw the arena entirely covered in blue and purple ink. She saw 2 cats jump down from a viewing balcony and onto a small hovering circle that took them to the center of the map. They each took a look around, and the larger of the two cats raised his flag. The purple team had won!

The crowd clapped and cheered, and Calypso joined in. The inklings were transported out of the arena and back into the room where Calypso was.

She saw the inklings that had just battled rise up out of circular platform stationed around the edge of the rooms near the windows to the arena. They looked similar to the spawn points in the arena. The 4 inklings from the purple team were filled with joy and pride, and the inklings on the blue team sulked over to the benches.

Her Splatphone started vibrating again, and Calypso pulled it out of her pocket. It was another message.

"Number 57, please make your way to one of the portals and enter the arena."

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