Chapter 16

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Calypso had never seen Blu's face so worried. No, not worried, scared. Blu's face only expressed fear as he look into Calypso's eyes.

"Come on!" Blu whispered. "We have to go!"

Calypso peered back around the corner to the visitors that had appeared. She squinted her eyes, trying to get a better look. They stepped out of the fog, and into the open walls of the structure.

Calypso turned her head to the side, confused at why Blu had been so scared. They didn't look like monsters. They were inklings. At least they looked like inklings. Their hair was a little different though...

"We're leaving!" Blu said, and grabbed Calypso's hand.  He started pulling her in the direction of their row boat.

"No!" Calypso said, yanking her hand back. "Why are you so scared? Who are they?"

"What do you mean 'who are they?' Those are octolings." Blu said. He looked at her expectantly, like as if what he said should make her understand why he wanted to leave.

Blu stared hopelessly at Calypso, seeing her blank expression and sighed.

"They are sworn enemies of Inkopolis and Inklings. The Octarians are the ones who stole the Great Zapfish a couple days ago. You saw that on the news Off the Hook, right? It's kinda big deal. It's like, the power to our city and civilization!" Blu said.

"Well, we came all this way to see what Blaze was up to. Now we're here, so let's find out." Calypso said.

"No good. That's what he's up to. He's meeting octolings, and that's more than I want to know. This is way worse than I ever thought. We need to go." Blu said.

"No. I'm staying." Calypso said, and turned back to the secret meeting.

Blu, furrowed his brow, looking angry. He crossed his arms, and then let out a quiet groan, and walked over to join Calypso.

They peered around the corner, relying on the fog to keep them hidden. 

Blaze was standing in the middle of the structure, talking to an octoling girl, while two boy octolings stood behind her.

Sev and Dova, the two inklings Blaze had brought along, stood behind him in a similar fashion.

"I can't hear what they're saying." Calypso whispered to Blu.

"Oh well. Let's go back." Blu said, turning around.

Calypso rolled her eyes and walked around the outside wall, closer to where Blaze and the octoling were talking.

The octoling girl was dressed in black leather, and wore goggles atop her head.

"Octavio sends his regards, and appreciates the information you gave us." The octoling said in a cool, controlled voice.

"You didn't say you were gonna use it to steal the Great Zapfish." Blaze said darkly.

Blu gasped. "I can't believe it. He's a traitor..." Blu trailed off and shook his head.

The octoling girl shrugged. "What's it matter to you? You knew we were going to do something with the information.  And we traded you octoling tech and designs. Information for information. And, if your society falls, Octavio will spare you."

Blaze's posture was stiff. He seemed to almost cower under the octoling's gaze. Calypso wondered how he had gotten himself into this situation. From the few times she had seen him, he appeared extremely confident; but he looked so small and pathetic right now.

"Well, I'm guessing you asked me to meet you for a reason?" Blaze said.

The octoling girl smiled.

"Yes. You see, we recently left something important behind in Inkopolis while stealing the Great Zapfish, and it seems to be unresponsive. We need you to activate it for us." She said.

"What exactly is it that you want me to activate?" Blaze asked.

"I unfortunately can not tell you all the details. It is something of great value that we have developed in one of our research labs. What we need from you, is to take this device." she said as she handed Blaze an object. "
When you get back, press the button on the top. It will send pulses throughout Inkopolis, and hopefully will help activate our lost property, and trigger the Self-Maintenance program. It should then fix itself."

Blaze squinted his eyes and thought for a moment. "And I'll be paid good for this, right? Seeing how this seems to be of great value to you?"

The Octoling rolled her eyes. "Of course. Have I ever made an unfair deal?"

Blaze smiled. "Alright. Deal."

Calypso didn't get a great view of the device, but it was rectangular with blue button on top. It look almost like a SplatPhone, but smaller and less buttons.

Calyspo felt Blu nudge her arm. "Come on, we should probably go. They're almost done. I don't want be seen on our way back. Best to get a head start."

Thanks for reading guys!

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