Chapter 7

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Calypso sat on one of the benches back in the in the Prep Room where she had first came in. The battle ended a few seconds after she had been splatted. Her team lost, probably because of her, but on the bright side she wasn't dead.

She kept thinking about what the inkling boy had said before he splatted her. The stadium was pretty big, and he might've spawned back into the Prep Room through a portal on the other side of the stadium. And why did he want to talk to her?

Calypso hopped off of the bench and walked into one of the bathrooms.

The bathroom was a spacious white room and had several showers and large bathtubs. The showers didn't use water (because water is lethal to inklings), but instead used special natural oils that keep inklings' skin healthy and shiny.

Calypso didn't feel like a shower, she could only think about the boy and what he said. She was a little annoyed that he splatted her. They could've talked then and there.

She walked over to a mirror. Much to her surprise, her hair wasn't purple. It was yellow, just like the ink she had used in the arena.

She kinda liked switching up her hair color. Pink or blue would also be a fun color, she thought.

She also expected to be covered in ink, but there wasn't a drop of ink on her to wash off.

Calypso walked out of the bathroom and looked around. There were inklings everywhere.

There was no way she was going to find him in this place. It was too big.

Calypso sighed in frustration, and left.


When Calypso got back to Inkopolis, it was getting dark. She was tired, hungry, and exhausted. She realized she had nowhere to sleep. She decided to just go back to where she woke up this morning.

She walked back over to the crates behind the rack fence. Crusty Sean had already closed up his food truck. She supposed she could ask him for a place to stay in his truck, and maybe even get some food to eat, but she didn't want to bother him with her problems. She would rather be hungry and sleep outside next to boxes on the outskirts of Inkopolis Square than pester him. Plus, what if he said no? She would just figure something out in the morning.

Calypso sat down and leaned against one of the crates and closed her eyes. The sounds of Inkopolis died down a little. There were always squids about the square at night, but most go to bed or back to wherever they lived. Music always played from Deca Tower, but it was much quieter than during the day.

Calypso was just drifting off to sleep, when she felt something small hit her head. She opened her eyes and looked down. It was a small rock. She looked around to see where it came from, when she noticed someone sitting on the roof of the building across from her.

About 10ft up was the inkling boy who splatted her.

He looked down at her with a smirk, the same stupid expression he had when she saw him at the Galleria.

Calypso scowled back at him.

"I figured you'd be here." he said, and hopped down from the building. He landed in front of her and stood up and crossed his arms.

"You didn't come find me." He said, still smiling.

"Well, I didn't exactly know where to look. It would have been nice if you gave me a little more information before splatting me!" Calypso fired back.

"Oh come on, don't be like that. I did you a favor. You were stumbling around out there like dizzy salmonoid." the inkling boy said, and laughed.

"Like a what?" Calypso asked.

"It's not important." He laughed. "Why don't we start over? My name's Blu."

Calypso eyed him, uncertain.

"Calypso." She responded.

"Calypso, huh? Not bad." Blu said.

Calypso rolled her eyes. "Thanks."

"Anytime." he said, and sat down on one of the crates across from her.

"Soooo, what did you want?" asked Calypso.

"Well, I'm just curious about you. You're one strange inkling." Blu said.

"What do you mean?" Calypso asked.

"Well, for one, you sleep on the streets by a bunch of crates, you can't turn into squid form, and you just seem totally unaware of how society works in general. It kinda entertaining, but it's becoming pitiful to watch." Blu explained.

Calypso was mildly aware of other inklings watching her and the strange stuff she must've done, but it was another thing for someone to point it out.

"Well, I'm sleeping on the crates because I have nowhere else to sleep. I woke up here this morning without my memory, and I don't know why I can't turn into squid form. I hope that answers your questions." Calypso snapped back.

"No memory? Thats interesting. But you should still be able to turn into a squid." Blu said.

Blu looked down at his watch on his wrist to check the time. It was completely dark by now.

"Well, if you don't want to sleep outside, you could come with me." Blu offered.

"With you? Like, to your house?" Calypso asked skeptically.

"It's not just my house. I'm part of one of the seven clans that get to live here in the square." he explained.

"Inklings can live in the square?" Asked Calypso.

"Most inklings lived outside of the square, somewhere else in Inkopolis. Only the most elite clans are permitted to reside in The Village. It's just on the other side of Deca Tower." said Blu.

This definitely caught Calypso's attention. It seemed that there was a lot more to this place than she thought.

Blu smiled, knowing he had her interest now. "Come on, I'll show you."

I'm gonna be in the mountains for a few days, so I probably won't update again till Saturday or Sunday unless I get wifi or something. Thanks for reading!

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