Chapter 10

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Calypso followed Blu out of the kitchen and onto the ink rails up to the 4th floor, where all the bedrooms were.

Blu opened one of the rooms and walked in.

"This is one of the guest rooms. You can stay here for the night." said Blu. He was kinda acting funny, and wouldn't look Calypso in the eyes.

"Are you ok? What was Blaze talking about?" asked Calypso. She could tell there was something that Blu didn't want her to know.

"Come over here." said Blu, and he walked over and sat on the bed. Calypso followed and sat next to him.

"I didn't want to tell you this yet, but I guess I don't really have much of a choice. The thing is, I need your help." he said.

"My help? asked Calypso surprised. "Why of all inklings do you need my help? You saw me in the arena, and I still hardly know anything about inkling culture."

"That's why I want your help." said Blu.

"Cause I suck at turf war?" Calypso said surprised.

"No, cause your a clean slate. You don't have any bias or allegiance to the government, the culture, any clans. When you told me you don't have any memories, I figured you would at least listen to what I have to say." explained Blu. "Most inklings would see me as a traitor for going against the leader of my clan, regardless if they are doing something wrong. My friends already think I'm crazy, and won't talk to me anymore. Other inklings outside of the Village are too focused on battling and stuff to listen or care."

Calypso furrowed her brow. "So you didn't take me here to help me? You did it to benefit yourself? If you didn't want my help, you would've left me out by the crates, am I right?"

"No! It's not like that... that's why I didn't want to talk about it quite yet cause it would seem like that and all, but I do want to help you too. I'm really sorry how it's coming across." Blu tried to explain.

"What exactly do you want my help with anyway?" asked Calypso as she rolled her eyes. She almost considered Blu her friend, until now. She wasn't sure about him anymore.

Blu began fidgeting with his hands. "I'm not exactly sure to be honest. Somethings just don't feel right anymore. Especially when I was on the Council for a short period of time. There were things that I discovered, and I know there's more going on. Blaze found out that I was digging for info, and he kicked me off the Council. The only reason I'm still a member of the Dauntlings is because he wants to keep an eye on me. I think that's why he wants me back on the Council too. Most Dauntlings don't want much to do with me anymore, they don't want Blaze to associate them with me." Blu said as he looked at the floor.

Calypso watched him closely. He seemed to be telling the truth, but she hated the feeling that he used her.

"What did you find out that made you so uneasy?" she asked.

"Well, it's not much," Blu admitted, a little embarrassed, "but I think some of the Dauntlings have been getting illegal upgrades from somewhere. I saw some specs on different weapons, and I didn't recognize a lot of it. It's not illegal to upgrade and develop things for your weapons, but they have to be approved. These designs looked like they were made to look like any other weapons that you can buy at Sheldon's weapon shop. There were also some emails between Blaze and Matrix, but I couldn't figure how to access them. I'm not much good at hacking and stuff."

"Who's Matrix?" asked Calypso.

"Oh right. I forget you don't know much. He's the leader of Bleeding Edge, another clan here in The Village, two doors down to the right. They specialize in tech and weapon upgrades and stuff. The Dauntlings have worked with them before, so at first I didn't think much of it. But when Blaze found out that I knew about the emails, he was furious and seemed really worried that I had read the emails. That's when I got removed from the Council." Blu explained.

"If Bleeding Edge specializes in tech and upgrades and stuff, what do the Dauntlings do?" Calypso asked.

Blu chuckled a little. "Well, we're kinda the daredevils and adrenaline junkies. We just like to win, and we'll do whatever it takes to be the best. That's something that I'm beginning to see more of now, with Blaze and others in the Council using these weapon specs."

"What did Blaze mean by 'once you see the error of you ways' and 'see things my way'?" Calypso asked.

Blu scratched his head. "I don't know. I think he must assume that I read the emails and that I know more than I actually do."

Calypso sighed. This was all a lot to take in, and she was still annoyed with him. She didn't really have anyone else at the moment though, and didn't feel like sleeping on the streets. She'd help him out for now.

"Alright. I'll help you. I'm not sure how though." she said.

Blu's face lit up. "Thank you! I'm just so glad there's someone who's on my side and that I can trust. There's no telling who's apart of this and who might tell Blaze on me. But first, were gonna have to get you leveled up. Being so unfresh makes you stand out too much."

Thank you Marcus195678 for the art of Calypso (picture at the top of this chapter)! She looks awesome!

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