Chapter 11

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Calypso woke up to an excruciating pain in her head. She cried out in pain and brought her hands to her head. She sat up and rolled onto the floor and curled up in a ball.

It felt like her head was going to explode, and tears started to roll down her cheek. She saw images flashing through her head, but they were fuzzy and she couldn't make out what they were. Something felt familiar, but she couldn't quite grasp it.

The images were mostly dim and dark, and saw white movement. They images began to get clearer, when she heard the door rattle and unlock.

Blu busted into the room.

"Calypso!" Blu shouted as he ran to the side of her bed where she lay. "What happened? What's wrong?" he asked.

Calypso turner her head and opened her eyes to look at him. By now, the sun was peeking through the windows. How long had she been on the floor?

"I-I dunno. I just woke up and my head hurt a lot. I started seeing images but I couldn't make them out." she mumbled.

"Here, sit up." Blu said and helped Calypso leaned against the bed. "I brought some breakfast. I was worried something was wrong when you didn't answer my knock."

Blu had taught her a special knock so she knew it was him. He had told her to stay in her room until he came, which was probably for the best. She didn't want Blaze or his buddies to find her wandering around.

"Sorry. I don't know what happened." Calypso apologized.

"Hey, it's okay. You have nothing to apologize for. Do you need anything?" Blu asked.

"I think some food would be good for me." Calypso said weakly.

Blu grabbed the tray of food he had gathered and set it on Calypso's lap.

"I was looking out at the other mansions out of my window last night. Which clans do the belong to?" asked Calypso as she began to eat the food Blu had brought.

"Ah yes." Blu said, happy to talk about something to distract Calypo front the pain. "Well, you already know the Dauntlings and Bleeding Edge. The first clan to reside in The Village was Legacy. They have the mansion in middle. They're lead by an inkling named Legion, who doesn't like us very much. I think they work for the government to some extent, but I'm not really sure. They hate Octarians, and they value loyalty and their morals and stuff. Model citizens. They're our next door neighbors to the right. The Dauntlings were established not long after them, and then Bleeding Edge who are on the other side of Legacy." Blu explained.

"Why does Legion and the Legacy Clan not like the Dauntlings?" asked Calypso.

"Well, Legacy is a very much "play by the rules" kind of people and they don't see us that way, which I don't exactly blame them." Blu said with a smirk. "We also tend to wear darker colors and they like whites and light blues, so our sense of style also doesn't mesh."

"What about the other clans?" Calypso asked.

"Well, after Bleeding Edge, The Madrigals we're established. They are our neighbors to the left. They can be stuck up at times, but I like them better than Legacy. Like all inklings, they value singing, music, dancing, and fashion, but even more than just your average inkling. They tend to be much better at those things as well. They have two leaders, Glitz and Blitz. They're twin brother and sister. Glitz is the girl, and Blitz is the boy." Blu explained.

"Two leaders? And they're brother and sister?" Calyspo laughed.

"Ya... they tend to disagree a lot, but the clan somehow functions just fine." Blu smiled.

"Legacy, The Dauntlings, Bleeding Edge, and the Madrigals used to be the only clans in The Village for awhile, but 2 new clans were recently admitted last year. The first was Evolution, neighbors to the right of Bleeding Edge. They're pretty interesting because they value working for Grizzco Industries and doing Salmon Runs more than they like battling. But, doing all of those shifts mean they work really well together, which is how they got good enough to get in The Village. Their leader is Claw, and I don't really know much about him. He's a big guy though, and I wouldn't want to mess with him."

"What's Grizzco Industries?" Asked Calypso. 

"Grizzco is a company lead by Mr.Grizz. I don't know much about that guy either. He talks through a bear statue, it's really strange. But you get taken out on these boats to the Restricted Zone in the ocean, where it's gross and polluted. That's where the Salmonoids live and migrate. You have to collect golden power eggs from the boss salmonoids. It's pretty intense, and the inklings from Evolution are definitely not to be messed with. I can take you to do a Salmon Run later." Blu said.

"Thanks." Calypso was curious about these Salmonoids and Grizzco. She definitely wanted to check it out.

"The last clan to be admitted is also probably the strangest. They call their clan "Woomy", and value "woomy", which I have no idea what that is. They say they are dedicated to "woomy" and they believe that "woomy" is the reason the made it into The Village. The inklings in that clan are super weird. It's more like a cult than a clan to be honest. They're to the left of The Madrigals, which causes some tension. The Madrigals despise the Woomy. I just try to keep my distance." Blu said as he shook his head.

"Anyways, they're lead by an inkling named Lunis, and she of course just as weird. She leads the Woomy Cult, and I think she actually brainwashes the inklings. That's my only logical explanation for that clan." said Blu.

Calypso laughed at Blu's explanation of the Woomy "Cult".  "Is that all of them?"she asked.

"They're building another mansion to the right of Evolution. They're gonna have a League Battle tournament soon for some clans trying to prove themselves to get in The Village. I'm curious to see who wins, and if they get accepted to the Village. They have to be unique, and can't be like a clan already in The Village."

Calypso had by now finished eating the food Blu had brought her. Her head still was dizzy, but the pain had passed.

"Well, that's enough about the clans. If you're ready, we should start training. I need to teach you the basics. Let's go to my room first to get you some gear." Blu said as he stood up.

Calypso slowly got up with Blu's help, and followed him out the door.

Thank you again Marcus195678 for the drawing of Blu (picture at top)!  He looks awesome!

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