Chapter 7

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On Monday, the next group of campers arrived. This group was aged 6th grade to 8th grade, and all of them had already started playing an instrument. They came to the camp to learn how to better play their instruments. On Tuesday, they had all gotten used to their routines already. Many of them had been to the camp before and already had friends there. They were used the schedules and it made things run smoother. During activities, Michael was still paired with Audrey. Lucky enough for him, craft and recreation allowed him to spend time with Aspen. "Okay, everyone gather round!" Ashton called out to the two groups. "Alex is going to explain today's game!"

"Thank you, Ashton." Alex smirked and looked at the kids. "Today, we will be playing kickball. Why are you holding a hose, Alex? Ah, that's the twist. We will play kickball, but before you're allowed to kick the ball, you'll be soaked with the hose. This game will be wet, this game will be dirty." Alex chuckled. "You're all lucky you have freetime after this, so you can shower. Now, we'll have you in teams by your groups. Aspen's group will be up to bat first. Audrey's group will be in the field." Alex said.

"Let's go, team!" Aspen said, leading her team to line up. "If you don't want to get wet, I suggest being in the back of the line." The kids lined up and Aspen and Calum chose spots near the middle.

"Remember your spots in line so when we get out, we know who's next." Calum said to everyone. They all nodded and the game started, but it didn't take long for them to get three outs. They switched sides with Audrey's group and the game continued.

"Don't get me too wet, this is satin." Audrey said as she went up to bat.

"No can do." Alex said, spraying her with the hose. She screamed and moved away from it.

"You're ruining my shirt!" Audrey glared at him.

"Just kick the ball." Ashton said, rolling the ball to her. She kicked the ball lightly and started walking to first base.

"That was a kick?" Michael asked, looking at Ashton and Alex.

"She can't kick farther than that. She's too ladylike." Alex rolled his eyes. Aspen picked up the ball and threw it to Gabe, who was the first baseman. He caught the ball right before Audrey made it to the base.

"You're out!" Ashton yelled. "That's two outs, one more and we switch." It didn't take long for the switch, because the next person to bat got out. "Switch!" Ashton yelled, the teams switching sides. The kids lined up again and the game continued. The team only had one out when it came to Aspen's turn.

"We better move closer, who knows how little she'll kick too." One of Audrey's boys said, smirking at Aspen. Aspen coughed a little as Alex sprayed her with the hose, completely soaking her.

"Really, Alex? Do I need to be this wet?" Aspen moved her hair out of her face.

"Yes, now kick the ball." Alex chuckled and Ashton pitched the ball. Aspen kicked the ball as hard as she could, sending it flying over everyone's heads. She started running to first base, but all the water from other runners and the hose had turned the grass to mud. She slipped in the mud, sliding into first base.

"Safe!" Ashton yelled. Michael looked down at Aspen and laughed a little.

"Do you need some help getting up?" He asked her, holding out his hand.

"Thank you." Aspen grabbed his hand and tried to pull herself up, but she only managed to make Michael lose his balance. He landed in the mud, splashing her slightly. She groaned and tried to wipe the mud from her face. "Why'd you fall?"

"You pulled me down." Michael huffed and attempted to get up. He was about halfway up when Aspen grabbed onto him, trying to pull herself up again. Once again, she failed at getting up while succeeding in pulling Michael down.

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