Chapter 8

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(A/N): Listen to the video when you see the *

Michael walked into the gated pool area and walked over to Audrey. "There you are, I was beginning to think you weren't coming." Audrey smiled at him.

"Yeah, that mud was a bit hard to get off." Michael chuckled and sat down. Audrey furrowed her eyebrows and sniffed a few times.

"You smell very fruity." Audrey said, looking at him funny.

"Uh, yeah. I used some of Aspen's shampoo and soap. It smells pretty good." Michael chuckled nervously, hoping she wouldn't catch on.

"For a woman." Audrey rolled her eyes. "Whatever, I'm just glad you're here now."

"Me too." Michael said as Aspen walked into the pool area with Carly and Luke. She was wearing Michael's t-shirt again, and Michael couldn't keep the smile from spreading. He always thought she looked adorable in his clothes, but he was even more excited about what was underneath.

"Hey, Mikey, come swim with us." Aspen smiled at him, batting her eyelashes.

"He's a little busy, sorry." Audrey said, glaring at her.

"Please, Mike?" Aspen pouted, sitting on the edge of the pool.

"Alright, I'll swim." He smiled at Aspen and got in the pool. Audrey sent her a glare and crossed her arms. Michael swam over to Aspen and stood between her legs. "You have to get in now."

"It's cold, I'm getting used to it." Aspen giggled, kicking her legs in the water.

"Nope, you're getting in." He grabbed her legs and pulled her into the water. She screamed at the sudden exposure to the water and clinged to Michael. He laughed and held her up, bringing her into the middle of the pool.

"We should do a chicken fight." Carly said, getting in the water with Luke.

"What's a chicken fight?" Luke asked, looking at her.

"It's where two people get on someone's shoulders and try to knock each other off. Like, I'd be on your shoulders and Aspen would be on Michael's, and we'd try to push each other off." Carly explained.

"I'm really good at chicken fights, you should ask Rian about it." Aspen giggled. "I have strong thighs."

"I'll say." Michael smirked, squeezing her thighs under the water. Aspen giggled and looked at Luke.

"Wanna do it?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, let's do it. We're immersing in the American culture." Luke laughed.

"Yay!" Aspen squealed and looked at Michael. "Put me down so I can get on your shoulders." He let go of her and went under the water so Aspen could climb on.

"I love doing this on tall people." Carly giggled, running her fingers through Luke's hair. "How tall are you, Luke? Like 6 foot 4?"

"I am not 6'4. I'm 6'2, at best." Luke chuckled, rubbing her legs.

"Mm, I don't buy it." Carly smiled.

"Okay, quit flirting. I want to play." Aspen crossed her arms.

"Fine, let's start on the count of three." Carly smiled at her. "1.. 2.. 3!" The two of them started pushing and pulling on each other, trying to knock the other off. It didn't take long for Aspen to push Carly back and off Luke's shoulders. She screamed as she fell back into the water.

"Did we win?" Michael asked, looking up at Aspen.

"We won!" Aspen giggled.

"Yes! We won!" Michael yelled, clearly excited. In all his excitement, he managed to throw Aspen off his shoulders and into the water. She let out a scream and fell back, into the water. "Oh, shit." Michael laughed, looking at Aspen as she came back up.

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