Chapter 15

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(A/N): Another filler, bear with me on the short chapters


On Monday, Aspen was assigned to checking in the next round of campers. Michael walked up and sat next to her. He didn't say a word as he got ready for the campers to start coming through. Aspen sighed and straightened her papers. At 8am, the campers started coming through. She was handing out nametags and telling campers where to go to find their counselors and cabins. It was a good distraction from the poison ivy on her legs. She pulled her leg up onto the chair and started scratching at the welts covering her calves. "How is your ankle doing?" Michael asked. Aspen was shocked at first, but she was too upset with him to really care.

"It's fine." She snapped, continuing to itch her legs.

"I-I didn't know she was going to start a war like this." Michael sighed.

"I did." Aspen laughed dryly. "It's not the first time she's started one."

"What do you mean?" Michael asked, looking at her.

"Why do you care anyways? You're still gonna run back to her." Aspen rolled her eyes.

"I was just asking.." Michael said, looking down. Aspen sighed and put her leg down.

"She sabotaged my first tour." Aspen said. "It was, like, a month after I got signed. I got to open for Keith Urban and I was super excited. I had always listened to his stuff as a kid, so being 16 years old and getting to go on tour with him was a dream come true." Aspen smiled a little. "My very first show, she had paid the sound guys to turn my microphone off. They spent my whole set trying to figure out how to turn it back on, but they knew how the whole time."

"How could she pay them to do that? She's the same age as you." Michael crossed his arms, skeptical to believe her.

"Technically, her manager did it. But, she told him to." Aspen sighed. "They paid the sound guys to fuck something up at every show. If it wasn't my mic, it was my guitar. They paid the light crew to use strobe lights during my set. I'd always be performing with my eyes closed to keep from getting a massive headache. Halfway through the tour, Keith Urban decided I wasn't right for him. I was kicked off the crew and my career took a swan dive."

"Does she do these things because you stole her songs?" Michael asked.

"Is that what she's telling people now?" Aspen scoffed.

"What do you mean? Is that not what happened?" Michael countered.

"Who cares what happened?" Aspen rolled her eyes. "Believe what you want to believe, but get some facts before you make a decision."

"I am trying, but you won't say anything. Are you not saying anything because Audrey's right? You're a song stealer?" Michael looked at her.

"I'm switching places with Perrie." Aspen said, getting up. She grabbed her crutches and walked away.

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