Chapter 13

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(A/N): I hate this chapter. I suck at writing, please don't send me hate for this


Thursday came and it was finally the day of the BIG GAME. Each section of campers gets a special game on their last night at camp. For the middle schoolers, their game is called Biffer. The counselors go all out for this game. They cover themselves in body paint, making themselves look terrifying to the campers. The object of the game is for the campers to run away from the counselors, who chase them all over camp. The counselors have socks filled with flour that they gently whack the kids with. When they get hit, they have to call for medics, who are also counselors. The ones that don't want to cover themselves with paint are the medics. They find the fallen campers and draw on them with Sharpies to "heal" them. "Alright, guys, we need to win this game." Audrey told her campers.

"I thought we were just supposed to have fun?" One of the campers asked.

"The time for fun is over. We're in a war now." Audrey said. "Each of you will be responsible for getting the other counselors through the poison ivy or poison oak. There needs to be no survivors here. The only counselors you're not going after are me, Rena, Nia, and Michael. Understand?"

"Do we have to go after Cher, too?" Another asked. "She lives with us."

"Yes, you're going after Cher too. She's working with the evil counselors. They need to be taken down. I trust you all can do this, I've been training you for this since you got here." Audrey said.

"We can handle it." A camper smiled.

"I can't wait to see the results." Audrey giggled. "I have to go now, I'll see you all during and after the game."

The game started, and so did the war. Aspen found a group of campers hiding behind the chapel. When they spotted her, they ran. She followed after them, having to run through poison ivy to get to them. They lead her down through the woods, where she ran through a trap they had laid. She let out a scream as her ankle was caught in a rope, leaving her suspended from a tree. "Hey! Come back here and help me!" Aspen yelled to the campers.

"Sorry, Aspen. This is war." They smirked at her and ran off.

"War?" Aspen furrowed her eyebrows. "Audrey.." She clenched her jaw. She tried to wiggle her ankle in the rope, but it only became tighter. "Help!" Aspen yelled. "Somebody help me!"

Meanwhile, Audrey's campers were busy wreaking havoc on the rest of the counselors. Carly had been chasing campers, when they climbed over the fence to the tennis courts. Carly followed them, but the campers had dislodged the interlacing pieces of the fence. Carly's overalls became hooked on the dislodged links and she couldn't free herself.

Luke was following a couple campers when he heard one say, "let's get up in this tree. No one will find us there." He climbed up, hoping to catch them. When he looked down at the ground he noticed them smirking up at him.

"What are you guys doing down there?" Luke asked, trying to find a way down.

"Good luck, Luke! I hope this teaches you a lesson!" One camper called up to him.

"What are you talking about? Go get help." Luke said down to them.

"That's your problem, not ours." They smirked at him and ran away.

"Hey! Get back here!" Luke yelled. "I need some help here!" Luke yelled, hoping someone would come.

Calum had been chasing after a couple campers by the river. They were running right on the edge, and Calum knew something bad would happen. He tried to push the bad thoughts out, but that's when it happened. One of the campers pulled the trip wire and sent Calum falling into the river. "Have a nice swim, Calum!" The camper yelled, giggling as she ran away. Calum groaned, tried to climb back up, but it wasn't working. Not with how wet he was. He had to swim all the way down to the makeshift dam and rock bridge before he was able to get out.

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