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In my days of elementary school, you'd have found me by my lonesome. Something about the sweet solitude of being your own person and not having to worry about being just like everyone else was one of the most soothing feelings in the world.

But yet, here I am, following around a man who had just dissed me for my lack of reflex in defending myself, like a lost puppy.

I can agree that this is in all technicality is my job, but as I follow him through the top floor with my hands folded in front of me and feet scurrying across the floor, I felt like I'd downgraded my self in a way that is most likely impossible.

He comes to a quick halt, and I nearly fall into his back before he turns smoothly as if knowing I'd been following him. Oh wait.

"Unfortunately for you, Miss. Bennett, I have work to do and can't cater to your every waking need," he scoffs, his eyes carelessly gliding across my frame.

What is with these people and their judgmental stares? Did they think a commoner like me couldn't pick up on their indecent ways?

I scoff internally before he nods his head towards the direction we'd been walking.

"This is my office. Do not enter unless I tell you so, do I make myself clear?"

His voice was deep and hostile. I could feel the vibration from his voice in the ground that was supporting me.

"Right here is your desk. I'm going to assume I don't need to spell anything out for you. Miss. Palmer will assist you shall you need it. As for me, my previous assistant took care of my activities for the day so consider yourself lucky."

He goes to turn around but stops mid turn. Mr. Wood brushes his thumb against the top of his nose before turning to me once more.

"I don't hand out second chances, Miss. Bennett. Shall you fail at your job, you will be terminated without warning. Do I make myself clear?"

I almost fell to my knees in fear.


He had no grip on me. Or at least, I'll keep telling myself that as a reminder than I am my own person. However, this is clearly not the time nor place to discuss my embarking role in finding myself.

"Of course, Mr. Wood," I reply, biting my tongue with enough force to draw blood.

He doesn't give me or anyone else a second glance as he steps into his office.

I finally let out a breath I had no idea I was holding before walking over to my desk.

Similar to everything else this office had to offer, my desk held no difference than what could be expected. A birch Scandinavian corner desk was situated perfectly beside the door with a matching white chair. Atop the desk was an Apple computer that I can already tell will take ages to figure out seeing as all internet usage in my household were limited to handheld devices. There was a few pens and freshly sharpened pencils as well as calendars and every other essential I may need to embark on the ever dooming position of Austin Wood's assistant.

"It's a bit overwhelming, isn't it?"

I turn on my heel and face the voice.

"Sorry, how rude of me. I'm Mahalia Palmer. I work in that space right over there," she points in the direction where I can assume her "space" is seeing as this office didn't hold cubicles in a sense. The layout looked like the Love child of The Office and Mad Men, two shows I studied religiously before my first day. At least that's what I'll say if anyone asks. The amount of devotion seems a little absurd in my eyes.

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