•- Lainey Bennett -•
The year had come to its close and fatefully so, I was on my way back to Wood Enterprise with a rush of anxiety as I pass lingering pedestrians on the cold New York streets.
I knew facing Austin was something I'd have to do eventually, but I had every intention of drawing that to it's last drop. I'd even pondered the thought of coming in late, but I didn't want him to think I was using, it, as an escape route for tardiness.
I brush my hair behind my ear as the warm air and faint smell of what has been a lovely Christmas fills the air around me.
I'd arrived earlier than anticipated and I can admit I was doing it to save myself an elevator ride alone with Austin. It was routine for both of us and now was as good a time as any to cut any communication that wasn't for the benefit of the company or our planned to be completely platonic friendship that I will see through for the remainder of my time here.
After ordering our usual drinks, I boarded the elevator with unfamiliar faces. I'd been so accustomed to riding with Austin and his intimidation that I'd lacked conversing with anyone outside of my immediate circle. And that was something that needed to change for this whole thing to work.
I might be over analyzing the severity of it all, but it was better to be safe than sorry.
The quick hit of reality struck as I step into the main office and see all the Christmas decorations from the party had been taken down. I'd forgotten just about everything leading up to me finding my way into Austin's bed, that all my responsibilities were flushed down the drain just like my will to be here.
I carefully make my wya to my desk and organize through my belongings the second I was seated. I wanted to be more organized this year. I wanted more stability than what I'd been given the previous year.
I immediately get to work on the calls and emails Austin received while we were on our holiday leave. I was informed by Brent and Mahalia that everyone who wanted the work of Austin Wood's architecture, then they would strike the second the new year began. Using the most recent calls and emails, I'd managed to arrange his day as best I could.
My attention draws up as Austin steps through the elevator doors with an unreadable expression. It wasn't anything of disgust as far as I could tell, but he was in deep thought as he made his way to my desk.
I lift my body from my desk chair and flatten the deep blue blazer wrapped around my arms as he approaches me.
As soon as he steps in front of my desk, a playful smile crosses his lips. He lifts a Cosmopolitan magazine in front of my face and shakes it lightly.
"They published the interview," Austin smiles as he raises his eyebrows gently.
I couldn't help but smile as I reach for the booklet but he quickly snatched his hand away from me and points to his office. "I wouldn't want my staff to believe you get the special treatment, Miss. Bennett. That's just bad for moral. If you want to read it, I suggest you step inside my office so I can have a word with you."
His attempt at being affirmative failed. With a roll of the eyes, I lift his cup of coffee as well as my own and follow him into his office.
I kick shut the door with my heel slowly so there was no aggressive thud that could give anyone the wrong idea about what we are doing in his office by ourselves. Not that two adults can't have a private conversation but his track record was anything but clean.
I place his cup on his desk as I snatch the magazine from his hand. Taking over the situation, I find myself flstrolling through Austin's office until I'm seated on the leather couch with my cup of coffee on the coffee table and my legs crossed over each other.

Yes, Sir
RomanceShe was just trying to make ends meet. What she didn't know was, ends meet was a sexy millionaire with the will to kill her with good looks. He was just trying to manage his multimillion company. What he didn't expect was for his new assistant to ad...