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•- Laine Bennett-•

Austin and I scrambled to get our clothes on as the pounding at the door sounded louder and louder.

Once I was fully dressed and had my head flipping over to toss my messed up couch hair into some sort of functional style, Austin pulled open the door.

"My God it took you hours you idiotic man," Chris groans as he makes his way into the apartment with Eric and two smaller children following behind him.

I stand up immediately and fix my shirt as Chris' face turns into a vibrant smile.

"Lainey! What a wonderful surprise!" He greets as he pulls his jacket from his arms and tosses it to the couch before pulling me into a hug, "I hope we weren't interrupting anything," he finishes in a suggestive tone.

I awkwardly clear my throat as we part, "No. just work stuff." I chuckle just as Eric pulls me into a equally accepting hug.

"What a shame," Chris sighs before turning to the shoulders who were laughing loudly at the feet of Austin.

It was a sight to behold. I never expected Austin to be good with kids. If I was four feet tall and tiny I'd think he's a fucking ogre waiting to bash me with his large hammer until my best friends come into the girl's lavatory and stick their wands up his nose. Okay, I'll go.

The way he interacted with the two kids was something else. He'd gotten right down on the floor and started talking to them. They couldn't be any older than six if I was to make an estimated guess.

"We adopted them about two years ago. Eric wasn't always a family man, let me tell you," Chris elbows me gently, making em turn to Eric himself.

"I was too. I wanted kids just they are so fragile. I wouldn't want to break them," he says bashfully.

Even though Eric wasn't related to Austin by blood, you could see the things Austin picked up from him over the years. Chris too. It was amazing how much Austin acted like them. I was in awe.

"The little girl is Clover, she just turned five and all she talks about is ice skating. She's seen Ice Princess Maybe six hundred times and she's still isn't sick of it."

I nod my head in understanding as I observe the small girl. Her skin was ivory and lined in soft freckles. Her hair was a soft brunette color with bouncy curls and a small red bow pulling her hair away from her face.

"And that's Graham, he's all about dinosaurs. He'll order his little toys according to their diets. He's smart for being four let me tell you. I swear that kid is a dinosaur prodigy."

I laugh gently. Graham had a softer tan complexion with tousled black hair. He sat with Austin with a dinosaur in hand as he and Austin roared loudly.

After a moment of observing Austin and the children I realized it was time to go.

"Well I think I'm going to call it a night," I say as I awkwardly push a strand of fallen hair behind my ear.

"Oh hell no," Chris immediately follows, "If you leave now, we'll never see you again! It's selfish of him but he'll swear up and down that you're busy or something. Stay, eat, let us tell you stories about Austin's childhood development or something."

I bite my lip as I look to Austin. I didn't want to overstay my visit. But there was a hopeful look in his eyes that made it impossible to say no.

"I guess a little while longer won't cause any harm," I sigh, falling dramatically onto the couch with a soft thud.

"Now that's the kind of attitude we like to hear!" Eric chimes in, "Now let me tell you about potty training Austin."

•- Austin Wood -•

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