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•- Laine Bennett -•

Austin brushes a fallen strand of hair out of my face as I curl my body as closely to his as remotely possible. I was in a time of need for comforting, I can admit that I wanted someone to hold me and tell me everything would be okay, but that comforting couldn't come at the hand of my family.

I'd gone through this situation with them once before. Their words held no effect because we were all feeling the same pain that came with loss. If wasn't convincing then, and it wouldn't be now.

There were things about that night that I can't recall. I don't remember my mother or father tucking me into bed that night, I don't remember what my last words to either of my parents had been, or the last meal I had with my family, all those things that I should have in my memory, we're faded away like they never even happened.

I turn my head slightly and press my lips gently to Austin's chest. His warmth kept me isolated from what was out in the world or surfacing on the internet. I was sure my phone was being blown up by Mahalia and Brent, hell, even Dane didn't know and he'd been my best friend from the second I stepped foot in this damned city.

"I'm a terrible person," I whisper as my eyes flutter shut soothingly.

"I wouldn't believe that if you gave me a billion dollars, Lainey," Austin replies as he carefully circles his thumb along my shoulder.

I can't help but feel the corners of my lips twitch upwards as I nuzzle into his embrace. This was the feeling I wanted to be able to hold onto. The feeling of being one of two people left in existence was an amazingly overpowering emotion that it was something that could be craved after the smallest experience as to what was in store.

"Our father was a good man. He never showed signs of aggression towards Thea and I, never showed signs of infidelity or cruelty to my family's reputation. We were the perfect Connecticut family with a white picket fence and a dog."

Austin's lips connect to my own briefly, and I can't help but feel comfortable to tell him everything that happened that night.

I'd grown so attached to this man it was probably concerning. But I couldn't stop it even if I wanted. Every ounce of my body wanted to be with him every second I possibly could. He made me feel the safety I'd always longed for.

I continue, "I guess it's not uncommon for affairs these days. But he'd been having one for so long. The small gap between Thea and I was enough for him to knock up some woman from the city. He's three weeks older than Thea. He had the audacity to ruin our family and then lie about it every waking second."

A shaken sigh escapes my lips as I try to formulate the words properly.

"My mom eventually found out. I don't know how, and I guess I never will. He stormed off just after tucking Thea and I in our beds and before I knew it, I was being woken up by my Grams. She was living in the city and it wasn't much of a drive but I knew something had happened."

"Lainey," Austin says in a tone that held both sympathy and sadness. I nod my head gently, not knowing any other reply before I rest my palm against his chest.

It felt soothing to feel his heart beat on my palm. It was a quickened pace that managed to make me feel safe and nurtured.

"He went and got shitfaced. I didn't entirely know what being drunk entailed and I didn't care at that point. But my mom called my Grams to make sure we were safe and she left. I don't remember what I last said to her, or what I was feeling, it's just one of those things you block out for self preservation I guess. All I know about the situation is from his testimony. She'd pulled him out of the bar. He wasn't blacked out drunk, just enough consciousness to remember the events. They were in an argument and he grabbed the wheel."

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