•- Lainey Bennett -•
"Stop tapping," Thea groans, gaining my immediate attention, "it's fucking annoying."
I roll my eyes at my lovely sister before I turn my gaze over to the wooden door that could change everything.
It was a little dramatic I'll admit, but Austin Wood hardly does public interactions with colleagues. It was a miracle he even left his office with me in tow. Of course my position was more personal than the others but still.
"I'm not tapping," I mumble.
"Do you hear that?" Dane chimes in, "I think that's the sound of tapping."
I raise my middle finger in her direction before lifting my glass of whiskey to my lips. Drinking strong was a necessity. Especially on an occasion like this.
"Don't be a prick about it, bitch," I mumble as I flatten the white blouse placed under my leather jacket so neatly.
I'd actually tried to look presentable to goth with my hair softly curled and my outfit reaching the standard of public worthy clothes. I'd squeezed myself into a pair of black jeans, which should honestly just be a sport. I'd traded my average heels for a pair of ankle boots with onto the slightest bit of heel to relieve the stress of walking in death traps all day. Underneath the only possession from my rebellion years was a white blouse that screamed church. I'd managed to not fuck up my makeup tonight which was an absolute accomplishment and because I felt that my straight hair was all too natural, I managed to curl my hair without singeing the poor strand off.
All in all, it was a proud moment for myself and I think I deserve best dressed. Not really. Mahalia and Thea both look too good to eat and that was already their normal. I love living in a city of pretty people. It's great for confidence.
"You can stop your bickering," Brent says, "The devil just made his appearance."
All of our attentions are drawn to the deep oak door as it closes behind as Brent has announced, Satan himself.
I quickly down the rest of my drink and hope the effect of alcohol takes over quickly.
I couldn't help but let my eyes settle on him as he makes his way to our table. It wasn't like I haven't seen Austin in his casual attire. But tonight there was something else about him. He was supporting khaki jeans hugged just around his ankles, a pair of vans underneath, and a cyan shirt covered in a pea winter coat.
"You came," I state, absolutely dumbfounded at his arrival.
He shrugs his shoulders as he falls into the booth beside me, his arm casually around my shoulders.
"Don't sound so surprised. You say it best, Laines. Can't be a dick all the time."
I press my tongue against my canine tooth humorously and shake my head gently. "I'm a woman of many words, Mr. Wood."
"That you are, Miss. Bennett."
The realization that I was surrounded by my friends makes me inhale deeply, causing the scent of Austin's cologne to taint my poor innocent nostrils.
I lift my glass and shake it, "I need another drink."
Austin slides out of the booth and motions to the bar. I tuck a strand of my curled hair behind my ear as I make my way towards our Lord and Savior, alcohol.
•- Austin Wood -•
Watching Lainey walk away was a gift truly send from the higher power.
I tap my fingers against the table gently before following her to the bar. She was sitting on a barstool with her legs crossed as she waited for her beverage.

Yes, Sir
RomanceShe was just trying to make ends meet. What she didn't know was, ends meet was a sexy millionaire with the will to kill her with good looks. He was just trying to manage his multimillion company. What he didn't expect was for his new assistant to ad...