•- Lainey Bennett -•
Spending time with Austin's family was becoming so natural that I felt included. There was little to no awkwardness as I sit at a restaurant with Austin beside me and Chris and Eric talking about Clover and Graham's newest prank on their parents.
"I've never been so proud," Austin gasps as he rests his hand over his heart gently.
I laugh gently as I lift my glass of lemonade to my mouth.
"Yeah maybe we should stop letting the stay the night. They're becoming demonic little kids," Eric jokes as he shoves Graham gently.
"That's just mean," Austin mumbles as he lowers his head to his food that had been engulfed quickly. Same.
"Awe," I giggle as I pinch Austin's cheek, "It's okay you little baby. I wouldn't want my kids with you either," I laugh.
Austin takes my laughter to his advantage and quickly hits my face with one of my fries.
I gasp, covering my cheek gently. "You've just furthered my case," I reply, sticking my tongue out.
He flings the fry in my mouth and devour it like no one's business.
"So, we should probably head out. We have Eric's Christmas party Friday night and I'm supposed to cater the entire event," Chris sighs as he downs the rest of his water.
I gasp, drawing the attention of Austin and his family. "That's what we're forgetting!" I exclaim I slap my hand around his firm bicep, "I knew there was something missing. Of all the shows I watch you'd think I'd remember but that's it!"
Austin raises an eyebrow as I stare off into space with plans formulating in my mind, "You going to tell me or are you just going to stare off into space until I dump water on your head?"
I scoff and swat his arm but I don't let go. "We decorated, we've been playing Christmas music, but we haven't had a party! Why didn't we think of it earlier? I'm trying to be nice to our coworkers and here I am forgetting one of the best activities of the season!"
"She's right you know," Chris points his fork that he's previously had stuck in his cheesecake, "I'll even be so kind as to cater it for a smaller price. A family discount Aussie."
I smile kindly at the man. He was a great guy for Austin to have been raised around. I know he has his flaws, but I think having stability like Chris and Eric has really helped him develop into a more pinky up the ass than a stick.
Austin holds a pondering look before a genuine smile, or at least I think I've never seen one on him, crosses his face.
"I'll get my best men on it then," he smirks, turning to look at me pridefully.
"Hey now, I'm not complaining. I'll happily do it," I smile cheekily as I remove my hands from around his bicep.
He snorts gently as his hand carefully covers my own and enclosed around each of my fingers, "What makes you so sure you're my best?"
I roll my eyes and try to keep a cocky expression but all I could feel was the jolt of excitement to his touch. Call me what you will, but the skin on skin contact with Austin Wood was an experience I'd never get over.
"Because I'm the only person who likes you enough to do the best," I stick my tongue out childishly, causing Clover and Graham to giggle. I'd hardly even realized they'd been there since our normal conversation came to an end moments ago.
"Touché, Miss. Bennett, touché."
•- Austin Wood -•
I'd never grow old of watching Lainey devour herself ambitiously in her work. She was like a storm that couldn't be stopped. She seemed immortal when it came to her passions and making others happy just happened to be a priority.

Yes, Sir
RomanceShe was just trying to make ends meet. What she didn't know was, ends meet was a sexy millionaire with the will to kill her with good looks. He was just trying to manage his multimillion company. What he didn't expect was for his new assistant to ad...