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•- Laine Bennett -•

Eavesdropping, or the attempt to do so, had failed drastically. I had tried my hardest to listen in, but to no avail I was at a loss of hearing.

I was sure Brent, Mahalia and I looked absolutely insane for wishing to invade our boss's privacy but no one had any idea as to why it was so.

Mahalia and Brent were still uncertain of my relationship with Austin, and in good time I would tell them. But for now, I wanted it to be just Austin and I. My family of course had their ways of knowing, and that wasn't the type of rebellion I wanted to follow. I was close to my family and that meant that protectiveness was all part of the package. So 'secret' was nothing more than a word, and privacy was the time you got when everyone else had gone to bed.

I press my head aggressively to the wall in an attempt to pick up the words of this private meeting, but instead I'm greeted with a clearing of the throat.

My eyes widen, and as if it were rehearsed a hundred time, Brent, Hails and I all turn our heads in unison to find the door to Austin's office opened and my Grams and the man himself humorously eyeing my friends and I.

"Found it!" I announce as I randomly point to an empty spot on the floor. I take my foot and slam it onto absolutely nothing before plastering an innocent look on my face, "Those damn spiders, am I right?"

My grandmother shakes her head before turning to Austin. "How you handled this girl for so long is beyond me."

Austin lets out a laugh as he leans against the wall, "We get off pretty well I think."

I roll my eyes and attempt to grab mychair to lift myself from the floor, but I couldn't reach it and that was effort I wasn't willing to put in.

Having realized that Mahalia and Brent had crawled away at the sense of danger, I position myself so I sat flat on the floor with the eyes of a hopeful child inside waiting for approval to spend the night at friend's house, and ready to fight if the answer is no.

"So, what'd you guys talk about?" I ask in a high pitched singing tone.

Austin shakes his head humorously before tapping the tip of his foot onto my leg, "I don't think the janitorial staff clean the floors as regularly as I believe they should."

I tilt my head to the side with a 'really' look, "Austin, I grew up in a house with a backyard. I've digested enough dirt to last me my life, and in case you forgot, I also come from the bad part of Brooklyn. I've see a man urinate into a plant to hydrate it. This floor is the least of my concerns."

A smile lights up on Austin's face as he smiles fondly in my direction, "So help me God I'm in love with a woman who doesn't fear natural resources," he turns to my grandmother theatrically, "Evaleen, please pinch me."

Wasting no time, my grandmother grabs the flesh of Austin's cheek and gives the poor skin a rough squeeze. He doesn't do so little as a flinch as he turns back to my with a newly formed red spot on his face.

"What a wonderful day this has become."

"Speaking of a wonderful day, Aussie, we need to finalize the guest list for your birthday."

All our attentions turn as Austin's mother strides towards my desk in her heels that could probably kill someone if so desired.

I push myself from the floor and dust any remains of my previous position from my body.

Austin clears his throat as he steps around my grandmother to kiss his mother kindly on the cheek.

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