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Woods POV

While we were driving to In and Out for lunch, Gunner texted me.

Gunner: When Tanner and I get up to go to the bathroom and you and Y/N are alone, that's when you should ask her out!

Me: Okay, thanks.

I'm nervous I'm gonna embarrass myself and ruin our relationship as friends. The boys seem to think that she will say yes though. I'll go for it.

Timeskip to 15 minutes later

"Hey I'll be back, gotta use the restroom." Tanner says.

"Yeah, me too." Gunner says. Tanner winks at me when Y/N isn't looking.

I nod and look back at her. She's beautiful. She's looking off to the side kind of awkwardly and it's really cute. Then I realize that I must be blushing so hard and I can feel my cheeks heating up. You can do it Woods.

"Hey..." I say. HEY?! That's all you can say?!

She looks up and giggles and blushes, probably because of how hard I'm blushing.

"Hey." She says back.

"So, I was just wondering if you... wanted to hang out sometime or something? You know? Because you're really nice and fun to hang out with." Gosh, probably should have left that last part out. I can't contain myself.

I look at her. Blushing the same shade of red as the ketchup right next to me.

"Um I mean, yeah. Yeah I would love that." She says nervously with a cute little smile. I relax, so happy that she said yes. We stare at each other for a moment. Then I realize; I need her number so we can figure out when this should happen.

"So I guess we need each other's number. You know, so we can figure out when to go on... " Should I call it a date? Is it a date? Or like... a hang out?

"A date." She says, finishing my sentence. I guess there's my answer.

"Yeah, yeah." I say. I hand her my phone with a new contact open and she does the same. We put in our numbers and hand our phones back. I look at the contact and smile. I got her number. We're gonna go on a date.

We're both blushing, like a LOT, when Tanner and Gunner return after what seems like 15 minutes but was actually only 5.

While we all eat our burgers Y/N and I keep looking at each other and smiling a little. It's nice knowing she likes me back. Really nice.


Timeskip to after lunch.

He asked me out. He ASKED ME OUT! When we got back to Hi5 I texted Sam, my new good friend, about everything that happened. We freaked out and did all the things girls like us do when a boy asks one of us out like speculate what's gonna happen and think about what I'm gonna wear. I know it's so cliche but we love it! While I'm in the middle of texting Sam, I get a text from Woods.

Woods: So when did you wanna have this date?

Oh my gosh he's so chill about it, it's hot haha.

Me: Whenever. Tonight or tomorrow night works.

I'm kind of hoping tonight but I gave another option because I didn't want him to think I'm desperate.

Woods: Tonight works. Dinner?

Me: Sure. Olive Garden?

Woods: Yeah. 5?

Me: Sounds good!

Woods: Great! See ya this evening.

Me: And at our shoot later, lol!

Woods: Oh yeah! Haha

I smiled. He's so cute. I can't wait for later, it will be wonderful.

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