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While we eat, I keep glancing up at him then looking back down at my food. He's just so handsome. Then we both glanced up at the same time, locking eyes. I blush and look away. Gosh, I screwed that up. I look over to see him blushing as well and I smile.

When I see that he finishes, I decide to break the silence.
"So, you should probably get ready to go. We have a half an hour." I say. He nods and goes to get ready and I walk over to the couch to relax while I wait for him.

When he finally comes out, I jokingly say, "What took you so long?!"
"You saw my bed head! Perfection like this takes time!" He jokes, pointing to his hair.
I smile mischievously and walk up to him.
"So... you'd be upset if I did, THIS!" I say, messing up his hair.
He gasps and lightly pushes me away from his hair. I laugh, falling onto the couch.
"You DO NOT mess with a guy's hair!" He says, laughing.
"I just did." I say, standing up to face him again. I smile and he leans in. I put my hands on his shoulders and lean in as well. When our lips touch, sparks fly. We back away after a few seconds and I blush. He smiles wide and I can't help but giggle.
We stare at each other, smiling like little kids until I bring us both back to reality by saying. "We're gonna be late if we don't get going." He nods and grabs his keys and we walk out the door, hand in hand.

Woods POV

We kissed. We. Kissed. Stay calm, Woods. It's not a big deal. Stay. Calm.

When we get to the studio, we walk into Orange base, still holding hands. Tanner, Gunner, Paul, and Connor are just chilling around the table and they look over when we walk in. They immediately look at our connected hands and we both blush, but don't let go. Then, Matt walks down the stairs with his vlog camera, talking. "So he's recording" we both must have thought because we quickly let go.

He walks over to us and says, "Hey boys!" Then he points the camera at Y/N and says, "And lady." We all laugh.
He turns the camera off and says, "Y/N, Shannon told me to tell you that she wants to talk to you about what work you need to make up." She nods.
"I'll see you guys later then." She says, walking out of Orange base.

When the door closes all the guys turn to me.
"What?" I ask, confused.
"Well, you and Y/N walked in together holding hands. We wanna know what happened." Paul says.
"You guys are so nosy!" I sigh. "As you may know, yesterday, Y/N's dad had a heart attack and I went with her to the hospital for support. I drove. So when we left, we remembered that she didn't have her car so she just stayed the night at my place."
"Ooooooooh!" Connor and Paul say in unison.
I hit them playfully. "No, it wasn't like that. I slept on the couch and she took my bed. Nothing happened."
"If you say so..." Paul jokes. I roll my eyes and playfully punch him again.
"Then what happened?" Connor asks curiously.
"She made us breakfast..." I say, nervously, not wanting to tell them about what happened next.
"What are you hiding, Woods?" Tanner asks in a sing songy voice.
I rub the back of my neck because it's a thing I do when I'm nervous.
"We kissed." I mumble, quietly.
"He said they kissed!" Tanner exclaims, being the closest one to me so he was the only one who heard me.
"Oooooooooh!" Connor and Paul say in unison, again.
"Shut up!" I say to them, blushing.
"Hey, congratulations, bro. Was it awkward or was it, like, good?" Tanner asks, actually caring.
"It was good. I mean, she kissed back and it wasn't awkward. To be honest, I was really happy afterwards." I say.
He nods, understanding.
Yeah, it was good. She's amazing, so of course it was good. I'd been waiting to do that since I first met her.

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