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Somewhere in Arbil, Iraq

"Do we know who they were?", asked Sun.

"No, my people don't know who they were but we are certain, they were sent by the Indian government", answered Jupiter.

"Ah, we all realize that! Do you have more information? Do you know where they live? Do you know anything about them? Their families? Their past, future?!! Anything at all??!!! ", screamed Mars angrily. 

"Calm down! Mars. Jupiter, We are giving you another chance. If you fail us again, we will take severe action against you and that day will be the last day you and your family will see."

"Just give me a week. I will trace them down and India will burn! Just a week."

"Very well. Gentlemen, please observe the usual procedure. Codenames used today will never be used again. Thank you", ordered Sun.

One by one the most powerful men and members of ISIS vacated the camp at an interval of 5minutes. One and a half-hour later, the whole camp was burned down and every shred of evidence was destroyed.


Back in the Research and Analysis Wing Headquarters, New Delhi, India.

"This is bullshit! The whole group inundated into the college after getting through the border took hostages, killed my four best men and we know nothing about their leader?!! It's been five months and we are nowhere close to how they got in, who is the traitor and where are the heads?!" Director Malik was exasperated. 

I was about to speak when suddenly, an agent rushed into the conference room. 

"Don't you see we are in the middle of the meeting?! What is wrong with this department?!! "

"Sir, there is a piece of information that the top leaders of ISIS have been spotted in Erbil, Iraq. Our informants there  has sent us this info in an encrypted message."

"Roy", Sir looked at me and ordered. 

I stood up, saluted and went out of the room to the control room to see the encrypted message.


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