Deals and Dinner

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I drove Malik's car for half an hour. Being a RAW agent, you can steal anything from anyone without their knowledge. That's one advantage. 

I stopped my engine in front of an old vintage clock store. I slide opened the door and saw a middle aged man sitting on a chair, holding a newspaper. 
He looked just the same. Not a thing about him changed. He treated me like a daughter. He was the best technician RAW ever had.  He took retirement a year ago. He also met Amit once when he saved his life. 

"Umeshji, how are you? " I said aloud to him from behind.  

He turned and immediately greeted me with a tight hug. 

"Ria! Oh, what a surprise. So great to see you after a long time! "he spoke with a joyful voice. 

"It's so nice to see you too. Nothing's changed about you. The same beard and that vintage spectacles" I smiled to him lovingly. 

"I know, I know.  Something never change. So tell me, what brought you here after all this time? " he made me sit on a chair and pulled one for himself. 

"I need a favor. I need you to find me a hacker, who can easily hack through any tough firewall and can encrypt or decode anything and can control the whole system. Inward and outward"i asked him with hope.
He looked at me confusedly and thought for a minute. 

"I might have someone but he is very young. And he has a wish to work for any intelligence service. He knows me well. Been bothering me regularly. If you want, I will give him your number. And then you can take him away from me, please." 

I laughed out and said"Sure, no problem. Here...This is my number. And my hotel room. Tell him to bring everything he needs. I don't want to waste any time."

" You are here on a mission, aren't you? Someone you are looking for?"he asked curiously.

"Ya, actually. I can't say more. Classified. You know" I answered back.

After talking with him on other things for an hour,  I returned back to my hotel. 


Back in the hotel.

I showered and pulled out a black full length dress for dinner.  I was putting on my holster ,when suddenly there was a doorbell. I took a gun and hide it behind. 

When I opened the door,  a young teenager was standing with a bag and laptop in his hand.

 He kept staring at me and my hand that was holding the gun, and murmured out, "Um...are you..ah... Miss Ria?"he gulped. 

Had I not been an agent, I would have laughed out. But that would be unprofessional. So I decided to scare him a little. 

"So, you are the boy who is troubling Umeshji" I held my gun up and looked at him mischievously, " not good manners".
"I swear I have not hurt him or anything. I will not do it again. Please..please... don't kill me. I am too young. And.. And.. I have not seen Disneyland yet." 

"Okay okay relax. I am just messing with you. Geez, how old are you? " I laughed and invited him in. 

"I am actually-"

"Roy, who's this? " the boy was cut off by Malik who locked his room door and walked to us. 

"Hi!  I am Rick and I am 18 years old." He answered back. 

"Malik, he is a hacker. He will help us to bypass the fence system. Rick, you will come with us. We will discuss our plan with you,  and your job. No wasting time." I took my keys and locked my room.  

"You look good"

 I turned around and saw him staring me. He was wearing a black shirt and jeans. 

I smirked,"I always look good".

We drove for an hour,  and reached a famous restaurant, very near to the mansion. 

"So what's the plan?" Malik spoke, while cutting a piece of meat with his knife. 

"Plan is simple. Tomorrow is  Eid. Osman kept a celebration party in which he invited all business men and his fellow friends, relatives present in Iraq. Including Ismail Hussein, arms dealer and his brother, Imran who is a arms dealer too. Source says he has been conspiring against the defense minister of USA and also responsible for Taj Hotel attack in Mumbai. Which is why Interpol has been after him for years. He is like a ghost." 

I stopped to take a sip from the red wine and continued, "So basically this might be a celebration but actually he is planning a meeting. The celebration is just a...ah.. What's the word..... Ya... Disguise." I took a bite. 

"So the security might be a little less. If we get in, our work will be easy. But the question is, How? " Malik asked. 
I chuckled and look straight into the eyes of my new best friend, Rick.
Malik replied an Ohh and looked at Rick too.

 Rick saw our faces and shrieked, "Ummm..... So this is where I come to picture, right?!  Yesss!!! ", and like all typical teenagers he became way too excited.

I nodded my head with a sigh and then continued with my plan, "Yep.. Now listen up. This is the crucial part. A friend of mine, Raj,  he sent me the entire blueprint of the mansion. There is a small room which is guarded with four commandos. It has laser beams guarding the entrance/exit door. No one can go there except the authorized ones. The laser beams will activate the warning system and that man will be dead. I have a hunch that this room is the place where they will meet. So we need to go there. Rick, I need you to bypass the fence system. Hack into all the CCTV cameras. You will guide me to the room. Malik, you will go to the party as a guest. Your disguise would be a business man. Raj will send you the documents, and a fake ID card with a fake invitation card." 

"Woah girl... Hold on.. Even if I go in,  the cameras has facial recognition, remember.  I need to be in their database. Else they will scan me, recognize me, and 20 commandos will be top of me! "Malik blabbered. 

Ugh! I can't believe he is my director's son. Wow!!

"Remind me why you are one of RAW's agent again?  Hello... I have a plan. And that plan is well shut up. Okay, where was I?...ah.. Ya.. So Rick, once you bypass the fence system and hack the cameras, I will go by the fence through the tunnel. There is a backdoor to the control room two men guards it. I will go and take them down quietly. You will guide me and I will put in Malik's name in the database. It needs to be done within three minutes."

 I kind of emphasized the last word because I knew if Malik is caught, our whole plan will be blown.
"Malik, I want you to be my eyes there. Follow Osman wherever he goes. Watch with whom he is interacting." 

"Okay done". 

And we discussed rest of the plan. But there was one thing I didn't tell them. One thing known only to me. 

And I am prepared to save THEM.


A/N: Another update. Hope u guys love it..... Don't be offended by any contents. It's just a made up and it is made not to offend any religion, or anything else.
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Eid Mubarak! 😇😊

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