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My flight was so long that I wish I had not been a RAW disguise. It was 8 hours journey. But I am relieved that I finally arrived. I walked towards the main gate and found many people holding up names on cardboards. 
As I was walking to the taxi stand, a muscular man came behind me, and whispered in my ears, "9530XQ".
I froze. 


"Okay, but how will I recognize my contact? Do you have his photo or something? "I asked while arranging my clothes and necessities in my luggage. "You don't have to worry about that. Your contact will approach you. But keep in mind, if your contract says you the code"9530XQ" then HE is the contact. Just for his confirmation, you will need to reply back to this code"1036GX"." "Okay, but who makes up these codes?! " I asked him sarcastically. 

                                                                                  Flashback end

"1036GX" I replied back. 

"Hello, Agent Roy. My name is Agent Shahid Malik and I am your contact here."
"Name's Ria", I put my hand forward to shake, and he did the same. 

I looked at his appearance. He was wearing a white shirt with a brown leather jacket with Blue Jeans. There was something familiar with his face structure and also his last name. Kind of similar to my... Oh.
"They said you are my contact. They didn't say you are the Director's son". I smirked while crossing my arms over my chest. 

"And they said right. YOU are smart....and beautiful "He said while smiling at me. 

"And strictly professional. So if you are done checking me out, can we start working now? ". 

"Yes, right. The hotel is this way. Follow me." he moved towards a car parked by the side of the main road. And as obvious, it was a black jaguar.

 "The idea is to keep a low profile, don't you think? " I pointed out and strapped the car belt over me. 

"Well, we do the government's dirty work while they sit in an office and take the credit. In return, we get only salary and dramatic words like"Well done, good job". So I think a black jaguar wouldn't do any harm to them or to us" he chuckled and started the engine.
And I already knew, working with this guy would be interesting.


One hour later

We arrived at the front gate of the Cristal Arbil Hotel. Malik got our keys and a butler indicated us to follow him. Malik was decent to give me a separate room. The butler put my luggage beside the door of the suite.

 "Do you need anything else, ma'am ?" 

"No, thank you". I gave him a tip and he went away. 

A few minutes later, I walked out of the shower to take out my clothes and guns. I went to my luggage and took out a shirt and jeans and my Walter. I was about to close when I noticed a piece of paper hanging out from one of the extra pockets. 

I took it out and saw that it was a photo of my whole family, including my daughter and Amit.

 We took the photo of Anaya's 7th birthday party. We were so happy. Amit was appointed by RAW during that time. I was already in just when I got out of the Indian Army. RAW felt that a well-trained woman like me shouldn't be wasted. Same for Amit.

I was so much into remembering those memories, that I didn't hear two knocks on my door. I quickly got my gun and went to open the door in a steady stance. I opened the door slowly to find Malik standing there with two files and an amusing smile on his face. 

"You look so defensive. Must have seen rats or cockroaches." I rolled over my eyes and walked towards my bedroom. 

"I don't think there will be any of those in a five-star hotel. But if there are, I'll sue the hotel or maybe turn this room into a war zone. "I joked while winking at him. 
"I am sure you will. Anyways, I have two files. One contains the fully analyzed and improved image of the man sent by the drones and his details. The other one contains the only lead we have in order to find the man. Thanks to me, we are close to finding the organization". I again rolled my eyes at his sarcasm.

 I took the files from him and opened the first one to see the image. 

The image had a camp and few men seemed to walk out from it. One of the men had his face up and seemed to try to adjust his sheikh headpiece. He had a black case in his hand. There was a black car standing in front of him. The nameplate isn't quite understandable but the driver had a tattoo on his hand. 

I used a magnifying glass and tried to make out the tattoo. It was a dragon tattoo with a blue and red feather on its side. The drones were lucky to have captured a very close image and the analyst did a very good job. 

"Here, look at this. I want you to find this man. He is the driver."I handed him the image and looked through the pages to get details of the man.

 His name is Muhammad Osman. He is the richest arms dealer and is well connected to the underworld gangsters. His family was killed at a bomb blast in Mumbai. He has two brothers, one who is half paralyzed. So basically, he has a reason to be against India so much and hate it. He owns a big mansion in Bahar. 

I also looked through the security details. It says that the mansion has 40 commando guards on each side of it. 

The gate is electronically mechanized. There are CCTV cameras almost everywhere. And the entire garden has laser beams on 24x7. Only authorized persons are capable to get past them easily. 

The man probably has something fishy going on in his mansion that makes him use such tight security. Only one way to get in is an underground tunnel which begins from 10 km away from the fence. It was an ancient tunnel build during the 17th century and was never used or known by anyone ever since. But the main problem is the fence system. The fence act as a barrier which, if triggered, can shock a man with 400 volts immediately and alert the whole security system, activating the cameras for facial recognition.

 I kept my eyes on it for a brief moment until I finally spoke up.

"Shahid, you and I will go out for dinner in Bahar. Get ready and make sure you take the necessary equipment. I'll be back in a minute" I used a stern voice and took the jacket while making my way out of the room. 

Shahid turned immediately and his eyes were big as hell.
"Wait! You and I will go out where?! "


A/N-There are a few things I took from the internet. Please don't be offended by anything from the above. This all is just made-up.

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