Chapter 3: Getting Ready For The Concert

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Sorry It's so late I was deciding what to put in my next chapter.

Anyways, I hope you like it!

And before you read the story, please comment what you think of it and what should I add!


I felt week at my knees right that second.

I am watching you right this second . I will be watching your every move.


"Yes?" I needed to tell her.

"I got a text from Elizabeth saying I am watching you right this second. I will be watching your every move."

"Oh my god!"

"What should i do Jill?"

"Um, do you want me to stay here?"

"Yeah I guess, but really, I'm not scared of her."

---Three Days Later---

"Ugh it's 5 am already!" I decided to get up early and call Jillian over. I quickly changed into my outfit for today and put mascara on. I heard the door knock so I went downstairs and raced to the door and tried to open it but I ended up slamming into it and falling backwards. Ouch.

"Are you okay Anna??" She opened the door and it slammed my foot.


"Oh my Paul!! I'm so sorry!" She held out a hand and I got up and checked my foot.

"Great now there's a bruise on my foot and my head!"

"Sorry, anyways we need to get our hair and our nails done!"

"Jeez, are you always peppy?"

"Yes" We straightened each other's hair and did our nails as one direction's clothing.

"I think we are all set!" Jillian said in excitement. I swear, this girl is full of energy. I guess I was excited too because I forgot about that text message 3 days ago, until now. I just thought of it. 

"Well lets go Anna!"

"Okay, but I'm driving.."

"..Fine" I could tell she wanted to drive but with this crazy chick driving, I don't think we would make it there..I swear, Jill is just like Louis.

---One Hour Later---

"Ah, we're here, I can't believe it!"

"Me either" I replied back. I wasn't a crazed directioner like Jillian, but you know, I like their music. I don't have a favorite, but if I had to choose one, it would be Harry, because of his curls and his deep British voice and-

"Anna, you coming?"

"Oh yeah sorry.." I got to stop thinking about Harry.

"So what section are we Jill?" She grabs the tickets out of her purse which is by the way, very cute.

"Um, section F2"



"Wow, we have front row and right in the middle where they can spot us!"

"Yup, I have a feeling tonight is gonna be a blast!" She popped the p in yup very bubbly. 

"Tickets please ma'am." Jillian gave the officer the two tickets and she scanned them. Beep

"Your tickets seem to appear fake ma'am."

"Pardon me?" Jillian said it with anger.

"I scanned them and they appear fake on my scanner.."

"Who would've put these fake tickets in my-

Elizabeth"  The officer gave Jillian a strange look as if she were crazy, you and me both lady.

"Who?" I filled her in about my past and how she hates my, I hate her, yeah she gave me that look too.

"Well I'm sorry ladies, if I don't have proof, I can't let you two in. Sorry"

"What's the hold up?" Another officer came up and said looking angry.

"These two ladies appear to have fake tickets"

As soon as she said that I saw a black-haired girl that had a shirt that says "I love Harry Styles" and on the back it said "So back off" I had chills running up my spine. I got sick to my stomach.


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