Chapter 12-Jillian's In Love

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Sorry it's late! I was at my friend's party and today I had to do my chores and I'm sick so I have to pull through and write this story. Love you guys. 

Mwah ;* 



"Yes?" She squeaked when I yelled at her.

"Why did you cover the walls with Niall posters?!"



"You know I love Niall!" I think she screamed that a little too loudly.

"Thanks, love you too babe." I jumped and turned around to find the blonde Irish charmed boy.

Jillian looked away and blushed.

"Did you really hear what I said?"

"Yes, I can't resist but listening to your conversation. Jillian why don't you come with me?" He took Jillian's hand and led her downstairs.

I could tell she was dying inside right at the moment. Specially when he said 'i love you too babe.'

"Hey Anna."

"Hazza!" I ran to him and hugged him. I don't know why I was so excited to see him.

"You're happy." He chuckled and showed his cute dimples.

"Of course, I have the best guy ever in my life." I smiled.

"And I'm the most luckiest guy to be dating you." There goes those dimples again.

He went for my lips and soon I felt my lips covered by his. We were like that for at least one minute.

"Eh-hm." We seperated and saw Louis leaning on the door.

"Sorry Lou."

"Hey, Anna, he's mine." Larry Stylinson of course.

"Sure he is Lou." I let out a laugh.

"I love you Boobear, but Anna is mine for now." He pulled me to his side and we walked downstairs.

I could hear Louis smirk. Someone's jealous.

When we got downstairs, I saw something that I couldn't believe. 

Niall was actually flirting with Jillian.

Jillian's in love. Oh my, maybe we can double date one day. What am I saying? I needed to talk to Jillian.

Before I could get the chance to talk to her, Harry carried me into the studio, bridal style.

"Harry, what are you doing?"

"Shh." He put his finger to my lips.

He went to the control room and started pressing buttons then came in the recording studio and started singing Everything About You the he sang Stole My Heart. He's so charming.

Jillian's *POV*

Niall was constatly flirting with me. It was adorable.

"So Jillian, do you have a boyfriend?"

"Not yet." I winked at him.

"Would you like one?"

"But most boys aren't charming like you."

"I know. I'm trying to ask you if you'd like to be my girlfriend?"

"Nah. I would never like to be your girlfriend." His face fell


"I would LOVE to be your girlfriend." He smiled and showed his perfect teeth.

"Great." He smiled and hugged me.

"Well now no one of the boys are single."

"Yeah I feel better now."

"Why were you hurt in the past?" I was getting curious. Maybe it was Holly, his ex.

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Please Niall?" I gave him the puppy dog face.

"Fine, but I'm going to tell you in your room."


"Why not?"

"Well you might be scared if you go in there."

"Why?" We were halfway up the steps.

"Take a look for yourself." I made him go first.


"I know, I am crazy for you."

"I am crazy about you too." I blushed.

"Well I don't think you need those million posters of me anymore because you have me right here." He opened his arms and I pulled myself into him.

"I'm going to bed, see you tomorrow, good night." He gave me a quick goodnight kiss on the cheek before leaving.

Anna's *POV*

Harry, that was soo sweet!" 

"No need to thank me, you deserve it." He showed his dimples again.

"I'm going to bed. Goodnight Hazza."

"Good night love." He kissed me on the lips for a long time. I walked into the room and got surprised at what Jillian had done.

"Jillian, why did you take your posters down?"

"Because I'm dating Niall now."

"Well you didn't have to take down your po-"

"Wait did you say you're dating Niall?"

"Yes, he asked me out while Harry was singing to you."

"Oh my god Jillian, we could go on double dates all the time, no wait 5 dates."

"That's cheesy Anna."

'Whatever. I'm going to sleep." I hopped in the shower for a quick rinse then hopped into bed.

What a surprise. Niall was in our bed cuddling with Jillian.

"ugh." There wasn't enough room for both of us so I went to find Harry's room.

I went downstairs and looked in each bedroom. No Harry.

I looked in the kitchen and on the couch. Nope. Bunk beds? Nope. Where could he be?

Just as I was about to go upstairs a dark figure picked me up and carried me into a bedroom.

"What are you doing? Get off of me you creep!" He turned the light on and I got embarresed.

"Oh my Harry, don't ever scare me like that!"

"Sorry love had to, you were lost."

"Yeah, because I couldn't find you!" He laughed and turned off the light and went under the covers.

I fell asleep as soon as I lyed down. I felt Harry moving closer to me and hugging me like a bear. Best night ever.

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