Chapter 20: 19th Birthday

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"Oh my god Harry thank you so much! But am I really going to England?"

"Yes I asked your mom, and she said it was alright if you came with us."


"Well I live there and you'll be staying with me."

"Oh fun."

"What's wrong babe?"

"I will miss my mom and Jillian."

"Well we will visit them every month, sound alright?"

"Yes, but I will break your bank with all the plane tickets."

"No worries." He hugged me. I pushed away.

"Harry, why don't you take a shower first? You have cake all over you." He walked into my bathroom and shut the door behind him. I was tired so I flipped the tv on and hopped in bed. 5 minutes later, I fell asleep. I could feel Harry climbing into bed. 

"Happy Birthday Anna." I heard him whisper. A deep low voice. I turned with me facing him and snuggled into his warmth. He pulled me close and lightly kissed my forehead.


"GET UP!!!!" I could hear Harry yelling in my ear so I guessed where he was then slapped him. I got him  in the face.

"Owwww. Why did you slap me?"

"Because you yelled in my ears!"

"Well sorry." I kissed him on the cheek before heading to my closet. I shut the door behind me and started to find what to wear. I grabbed some jean shorts and and a strapless shirt. I headed to the bathroom and brushed my hair then straightened it. I could barely walk a step outside my bathroom cause Harry picked me up and carried me downstairs and into the kitchen. He sat me down in a chair and put a plate in front of me. It had eggs, bacon, and toast. My favorite.


I finished my breakfast and went upstairs to brush my teeth and put makeup on. I walked downstairs and grabbed Harry's hand. 

"So where are we going Haz?"

"The Beach." Why the beach?

"Okay." He led me to my car and got in the driver's seat.

"Harry I can drive."

"But you don't know which part of the beach we are going to." I live in Washington DC there's only one beach and that is Ocean City in Maryland. It was about an hour drive.

"How do you know how to get to Ocean City Harry?"

"Paul gave me the address." Of course. I was tired because I was woken up by Harry so I decided to take a power nap.

"Harry I'm gonna take a nap. Wake me up when we're there." I crawled to the back and layed on the long seat that is connected. I grabbed my sweater and put it under my head.


"Anna we're here!" I woke up slowly and found Harry next to me on the floor.

"Where am I?"

"Ocean City remember?"

"Oh right." I got up and grabbed my bag with my swimsuit in it. I walked out of the car and followed Harry. I followed him only for him to stop right in front of small yellow canoe things.

"Harry, we are not riding those banana boats. They're scary."

"Oh get over it. I'll be with you and so will Jillian and Niall." That made me feel a little better. Me, Harry, Jillian and Niall got one of the three boats. Harry was in the front, I was behind him, Jillian was behind me and Niall in the back. Louis, Eleanor, Liam and Danielle got another boat. Then it was Zayn, Perrie and Josh in the last one. The boats weren't that long so we were squished in together. We had put life jackets on just in case.

We were pushed out into the deep end. I got scared. I don't know why. Maybe the sharks. Eh, I'm not scared. 


It's been about 20 minutes out here. The ride lasted 45 minutes.

"Harry, what's the point of this?"

"I don't know but it's fun." 


"I don't know!!"


I got off the boat 45 minutes later and immediately fell on the sand.

"Anna, are you ok?" Harry rushed over to me and pulled me up.

"Yes. Chill Curly. I was dying to get off the boat as soon as possible." He laughed. I went to where our stuff were and put my towel on the sand. I layed on my belly and put music on. Tanning time!


"Harry can I go back to tan now?" Harry pulled me to the ocean 10 minutes after I started tanning. He just couldn't leave me alone.

"No, you're staying until the right wave comes."


"Because I like laughing at people when their bathing suit falls off."

"Ew Harry you're nasty."

"No not like that. It's their facial expressions and how they start to panick." I smirked. I watched as each of the big waves knocked Harry down. I giggled. Harry picked me up and threw me over his shoulders. He walked further out. 

"harry not too far." He put me down and leaned in for a kiss. It was soon interupted by a big wave. It knocked me over. I got up and flipped my hair over. I could hear Harry laugh.

"What's so funny about this Harry?!" he walked to me then handed me my bikini top.

"Missing something?" I looked down, realizing I didn't have my top on and quickly grabbed it from his hands. I tied it on and walked out.


I stood in front of my mirror looking at my beautiful blue dress and my heels. The boys were taking me to a club tonight. I decided to invite some of my close friends. I walked downstairs and went to Harry.

"You look amazing."

"Thanks Haz, you too."


We have been in the club for at least 30 minutes and people started coming in. I saw one last person come through the door.


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