04 ➺ stupid gryffindor traits

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THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO BE at Hogsmeade now, Theo thought miserably to himself as he watched the snow-covered grounds through the large window on the third-floor corridor. A mild storm raged outside, the trees bowed to its force and the air fogged up with snow that blew around ferociously. But the storm wasn't the reason they were stuck inside – it was the Carrows.

Ever since Snape had become the headmaster, all sorts of entertainment in the castle were banned, starting from but not limited to quidditch, Hogsmeade trips, and student organised clubs. The Slug Club was still allowed, although Theo was never invited to it. From what he had learnt from Blaise, it was always closely monitored by one of the Carrows.

Not that Theo cared much about the Slug Club. Slughorn wasn't one of his favourite teachers, to begin with.

But now he found himself longing to attend one of the Slug Club meetings. He had been locked up inside the castle for three months, doing nothing but going from one class to another, sleeping and eating. This monotonous routine was getting to him and he wished he could step outside and into the cold air, even if for one minute.

Blaise, currently, was roaming the castle with Draco and Milicent Bulstrode, each a member of the Inquisitorial Squad, initially created by Dolores Umbridge, and now revamped by the Carrows. Their job was to keep an eye on the other students to ensure that they weren't up to any mischief. If they found any such misbehaviour taking place that went against the Carrows' rules and regulations, they were required to take the miscreants to the Carrows, who would then assign detention as befitting them.

Last week, Theo and Blaise have come across one such student who was sprinting across the halls. Blaise caught him and took him to the Carrows, who had made running illegal – a rule that seemed so ridiculous to Theo that he didn't think much when bringing the boy in for punishment, assuming that perhaps he would get off with a warning. When the boy left detention an hour later, however, he was sporting a broken nose and a limp.

Blaise had asked him to join them in patrolling the castle, but Theo had declined, saying that he wasn't feeling well and that he would rather rest. And thus, there he was, walking lazily through the castle with his hands stuffed in his pockets. He felt like that was all he did these days – walking around.

He reached the Astronomy Tower, taking himself by surprise. He wasn't intending to come, but he somehow ended up here, right where he felt most comfortable. He climbed the stairs and reached the top.

The tower looked very different during the day. Half of its beauty was shed away, as though nighttime was a requirement for the tower to reach its fullest potential. But as he moved to the edge and looked outside, he realised that no, it wasn't any less beautiful than it was at night. It was still as pretty but in a different way.

A chilly wind blew past, forcing a million snowflakes to burst at him. He shivered and hugged himself tightly.

"You should have worn something warm."

He jumped and wheeled around, only to come face to face with Luna. Allowing his racing heartbeat to slow down, he muttered, "Hi."

"You can borrow this shawl for now," she said and unwrapped the shawl she was wearing. It was navy blue in colour and dotted over it were tiny daisies at regular intervals, like polka dots.

"No, it's fine. You'd be cold." Theo shook his head and refused to receive the garment.

"I won't be," said Luna with one of her little smiles. "I'm wearing a jumper."

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