25 ➺ dark arts and dark spells

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"HURRY UP, THEO," DAPHNE'S VOICE called from the door to his dormitory. "You know Amycus doesn't like it when we are late. Come on."

Didn't Theo know that. He wished he could somehow completely vanish himself so that he needn't face Amycus's class. But he had to. While the other Professors have gone slack and allowed them to skip a class or two, the Carrows had severe punishment in store for those who dared to come late, or Merlin forbid, not come at all.

The thought of facing Amycus again made Theo's throat hurt. He knew it was silly. Of course, the Carrows' presence did not have any physical effect on the wounds that decorated his body. But the prospect of attending their classes and staying in close proximity to them nevertheless filled him with dread. As he packed and unpacked his bag continuously, he felt immense admiration and wonder toward Neville, who didn't hesitate to stand up against the Carrows again and again and again and still go back for more.

"What are you even doing?" Daphne called once again. Theo started, then quickly shoved his bag over his shoulders and hurried to the door just as she said, "I'm coming in."

They almost collided with each other. Theo tried to smile but failed horribly. "I'm ready. Let's go."

Daphne eyed him suspiciously for a minute. When he passed her inspection, she moved aside to let him pass and together they made their way to the Dark Arts class.

Theo supposed he could - or should - tell Daphne about how he was feeling. He didn't particularly have the words to convey the sense of terrible fear that pulsed through his veins, but he could at least try. But he doubted that Daphne would understand. When she had earned her first detention with the Carrows, she returned proud, head held high. She had attended each and every one of the Carrows' classes with a sharp glint in her eyes - pride in the fact that the Carrows hadn't succeeded in thwarting her by drawing blood, a challenge to try more to suppress her. If he tried telling her that he wasn't quite looking forward to meeting Amycus and Alecto again, she wouldn't understand. She would insist it was a way to show them they hadn't broken him.

But they had.

He wasn't brave like Neville. Or kind-hearted like Seamus. Or determined like Daphne. The Carrows had quite certainly succeeded in shattering his spirits and he feared that he wouldn't make it out of their classes whole.

Seamus would have understood. He did understand. Wasn't that why he had offered to sit next to him in class? He would have provided the comfort Theo so badly needed. He began to wish he hadn't kissed Seamus.

The thought instantly made him feel selfish.

"Are you going to tell me what's happening with you?" Daphne's words pierced through the thoughts in his head. He looked at her, blinking.

"Nothing's happening," he answered, voice barely a mumble.

They reached their Dark Arts classroom.

Amycus wasn't there yet. Theo's eyes briefly met Blaise's. He sat toward the middle of the classroom, next to Goyle. He looked so insignificantly tiny in comparison to Goyle's large form that Theo had the sudden urge to laugh. Hastily looking away, he went to the back of the classroom where he was joined by Daphne a second later.

As he began to pull out quills and parchment from his bag, a voice floated to him, soft and mildly concerned. "Hey, Theo." It was Seamus. He was to the front and left of where Theo sat, next to Neville. "Are you okay?"

Theo was so surprised at the sudden question that he forgot he was avoiding Seamus. He nodded, a smile appearing on his lips unbeknownst to him. "Yes. Why wouldn't I be?" He realised how unconvincing he sounded the moment the words left his lips.

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