43 ➺ we won

464 37 64

「 WE WON 」

content warning: violence, gore (ya know, the usual fanfiction charm)

THEO VENTURED NERVOUSLY TOWARD THE Great Hall where the majority of the people were congregated.

Shouts of horror and mourning rose into the air as well as cries of relief as they were given the opportunity to reconnect with people they had lost contact with in the midst of the battle. He hovered at the threshold, taking in the sight of bodies laid out in the middle of the Great Hall, with friends and family gathered around them. His heart leapt through his throat but he forced himself to enter.

His eyes grazed the people milling around, searching for Daphne, Luna, Seamus, anyone familiar. He saw Ginny Weasley along with her entire family gathered around a body, grief-stricken. His heart clenched painfully inside his chest as he looked away. Neville was nearby, forcing a spoonful of some potion or other into a girl's mouth with the help of Luna.


Theo took a step forward to go to her but stopped. She was busy helping others - he would only be a nuisance if he tried to talk to her. So he turned in another direction and began walking, hoping to find Seamus or Daphne.

He spotted Oliver Wood and Angelina Johnson, the famous Gryffindor Quidditch players who have graduated a few years ago. The former was cradling what looked like a broken arm, wrapped in a sling. The latter helped a few younger students with their wounds.

And then he finally found Seamus. He was over at the corner, looking utterly exhausted with his sandy hair darkened with dirt and grit. He seemed to have just finished bandaging the wound of a student and was about to leave. Theo hurried over, feeling immense relief crash through him.

Seamus's face lit up but darkened immediately. He silently came over and put his arms around Theo. "Thank God," he whispered. "I was so worried about you. I couldn't find you anywhere."

"I was feeling the same about you."

Seamus held him tighter. "I'm sorry, Theo."

"For what?"

Seamus pulled back, looking at him with an odd expression. "Oh. You don't know."

Theo felt a cold fist close over his heart. "Know what?"

Seamus pursed his lips. "Come with me." He took Theo's hand and led him away.

The more steps they took, the more his chest tightened and the less Theo wanted to move. Where was Seamus taking him? Theo didn't want to know.

They reached the less crowded area of the Great Hall. Seamus was taking him to a body lying on the floor, draped in a blanket.


Theo didn't want to go any further. He wanted to dig his heels into the ground and stop Seamus. He wanted to turn away and ignore whoever it was Seamus was taking him to. He didn't need to know. He didn't want to know.

Theo closed his eyes as they drew nearer, feeling his breaths coming in rapidly. Seamus stopped and so did he but he didn't open his eyes. He didn't want to see. Seamus put an arm around his waist. "It's okay, Theo. I'm here."

Theo let his eyes open. A shaky gasp forced itself out of his mouth when he saw Daphne lying under the blanket. Her hair was spread under her head. Large and deep gashes ran over her cheeks and jaws, grazing one corner of her left eye. From the dried blood on her face, Theo could tell she had bled heavily but someone had wiped away the blood afterwards. Her head was tilted at an odd angle.

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