31 ➺ different

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THEO WOKE UP WITH SOMEONE vehemently shaking his arm and when he opened his eyes, he yelped.

Fowley's face loomed an inch or two in front of him, her large glassy eyes peering into his. He scrambled back, pulling the sheets protectively around himself. The shock had managed to push all drowsiness away - he felt wide awake. "Merlin's pants, Fowley! What are you doing?"

She stepped back. "Fowley is sorry," she said with a bow. "But Master Theodore has guests."

Theo was rubbing his eyes with the balls of his thumbs and at Fowley's announcement, he stopped and sighed. "Go and tell Father then."

"Oh, but Master Nott isn't home. He left after dinner, remember?"

Theo squinted up at the ceiling. He had been hoping to sleep a few extra hours but it didn't seem like Fowley would let him. "Well, tell them Mr Nott isn't home."

Fowley stared at him as though in surprise. "The guests are looking for you, Master Theodore. It's Master Theodore's friend. Master Blaise Zabini. His brother is here too."

This caught Theo's attention. With some willpower, he sat up in bed and looked at Fowley quizzically. "Why didn't you lead with that?" He grabbed a t-shirt from the side of his bed and started to take off his pyjama top as he made his way to the bathroom. He looked at Fowley over his shoulder. "Go and tell them I'll be there in a minute."

Theo dressed quickly and efficiently. He vaguely remembered arguing with Blaise about going over to the Zabini's - Theo had even told him in no uncertain terms that he didn't want either Blaise or Corben to come over. But now that they were here, well, it felt to Theo that he had received a Christmas gift he hadn't realised he wanted.

He hurried downstairs, almost slipping at the second-floor landing, and went into the parlour. He stopped at the doorway. Blaise sat on the sofa whilst Corben looked around. This was Corben's first visit to Theo's house, but Blaise has been here before a few times. Theo hovered at the door, a sense of intense awkwardness suddenly rising in him.

Corben spotted him and a big grin broke over his face. He ran to Theo and threw his arms around his neck, nearly shoving him to the floor. Theo laughed and hugged him back. Over his shoulder, Theo saw Blaise watching him, an unreadable expression over his face.

"I missed you, Theo," Corben said as he pulled back and cupped his face in his palms. As expected, his eyes trailed down to the jagged scar on Theo's cheek.

"It's only been one day." Theo chuckled, gently peeling his hands away and turning his face to hide the scar, though he was aware that it was fruitless.

"Yeah, one day with Blaise sulking and whining about how much he missed you." Theo blushed at that but he attempted a laugh. It came out shaky.

"I highly doubt that."

"So what happened to your face?"

Theo suppressed a sigh. "I fell."

Thankfully, Fowley came into the room just then, looking around at her guests. An odd expression was plastered over her features but Theo didn't have the time to wonder about it just yet. He turned to her expectantly.

"Fowley, why don't you take Corben to his room? Give him the room next to the one Blaise slept in."

Fowley opened her mouth as if to protest - an unusual reaction for a house-elf, especially someone as devoted as her - but she obliged. "Come along, Ma-Master Zabini," she said stiffly.

As Corben smiled at her and followed, she didn't offer to carry his bag for him. Though Theo knew Corben wouldn't let as frail a being as her carry such a heavy bag, he registered how odd it was for Fowley to be as unfriendly as she was being to Corben.

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