29 ➺ cruciatus

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AS THE END OF WINTER neared and the walls of Hogwarts started to see a little more sunlight, it grew more and more restless inside the castle. The Carrows kept a sharper eye on the students and not even the Slytherins were immune to their scrutiny. Even Draco, perhaps the most trusted member of the Inquisitorial Club, was dragged into their office one night when he was caught acting suspiciously a few hours after curfew. As it turned out, he was merely trying to empty the halls so he could have an uninterrupted date with Astoria Greengrass.

And, as it also turned out, despite Daphne's misgivings, Draco and Astoria were now proper couples.

Theo began to hang out more and more with Seamus. After any shared classes, he stayed back and waited for Seamus who said goodbye to Neville and joined him. Granted, the castle under the Carrows wasn't the best place for a friendly rendezvous but if Draco could manage dates with Astoria, why couldn't they find an hour or so for themselves?

The tension between Theo and Blaise seemed to have cooled but things weren't back to normal between them yet. They smiled when they came across each other the same way people would smile at strangers out of politeness. A rift has been created by Blaise's actions and no matter how hard he tried, Theo couldn't feel the same comfort he had always felt in the presence of his best friend.

But Blaise tried. He checked on Theo and asked if his wounds still hurt repeatedly to the point of annoyance. At night, he timidly came over to Theo and sat at the end of his bed to make light conversation. It was only during the dark hours of the night that Theo could pretend - almost believe - that they had never fought and when the sun would rise, they would be back to their normal ways.

It never did of course. But Theo appreciated Blaise's gestures all the same.

As he dressed for classes one morning, Theo opened the drawer of the table by the side of his bed. Inside were the shawl Luna had given him and the pair of yellow socks that were Christmas gifts from Blaise. Both were signs of friendship he had lost.

After returning from the last Hogsmeade weekend, Theo had hunted through his belongings until he found the socks. He hadn't worn them once. He must have kept them on his bed and promptly forgotten about them after the shock of what Blaise had done to Luna. He later found them stashed under his mattress, though how they had got there he couldn't recall.

After a few minutes of hesitation, he pulled the socks over his feet. They fit perfectly. The tiny ice cream cones that adorned the yellow wool stared at him with even tinier eyes. He put on his shoes and allowed himself a second to feel sorry for the eyes which were now plunged into darkness.

He hasn't received any letter from his father. Not that he usually did, but it was Easter break in a week and Theo had been expecting a letter instructing him to stay in the castle and follow the Carrows' orders. His father should have known by now of the wounds they have inflicted on him - he could imagine the Carrows proudly proclaiming the punishment they have bestowed upon his son. Maybe his father no longer cared about Theo upholding his reputation and has decided to expect nothing from him.

Theo didn't think he would be so lucky.

He walked to the Great Hall with his hands stuffed in his pockets to keep them from shaking. Whether or not he received a letter from his father, he would go home.

Daphne joined him a few minutes after he had sat. She tried to talk to him but his unenthusiasm finally made her stop trying and she turned the other way to talk to her sister. Theo felt bad but for the moment, he was unable to focus on anything other than the Easter break.

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