35 ➺ chasing and confession

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HE SHIFTED restlessly on his bed but even his movement was limited due to the fact that Blaise slept next to him and the dormitory beds weren't built for two.

Ever since Easter break when Theo had asked Blaise to spend the night with him, they had been sharing one bed. It didn't mean anything - of course it didn't. It was an act of emotional support. Theo slept well when he was with Blaise and Blaise worried when he was down in the common room, flopped in an awkward angle on the sofa that made his body ache in the morning. Even when they were children and when Theo's heart didn't leap foolishly at the sight of Blaise, they had often fallen asleep next to each other after hours of writing essays and woken up tangled in each other's arms.

They were friends. And they were close. A little too close, perhaps. But Theo wasn't complaining.

This night though, he couldn't sleep. He lay awake, his body stiff because he didn't want to wake Blaise. He heard the sound of Blaise breathing beside him, saw his chest rise and fall out of the corner of his eyes. Blaise had one arm flung over his head, covering half his face. His neck was exposed and inviting ...

... inviting?

Theo shot up and swung his legs over the side of the bed. What was wrong with him?

He felt thankful that Blaise was sleeping for he was sure that if he had been awake, he would have seen through Theo and read everything that was on his mind. He sighed, pushing the curtain slightly aside so that it didn't fall on his face. The other boys in the dormitory were asleep, naturally. If they had noticed Theo and Blaise sleeping on the same bed, they hadn't mentioned it.

Theo dug his elbows into his thighs, resting his chin over his palms. He didn't think he would be able to sleep tonight. He considered waking Blaise but quickly shoved the idea away. Although Blaise had pleaded with him and made him promise that he would wake him up if he was unable to sleep, Theo knew he would never do it.

He decided to go to the common room rather than stay here and possibly disturb Blaise's sleep. As he peered into the floor to look for his slippers, the door to the dormitory swung open and in marched Goyle looking determined, an odd expression to see on his face.

Theo frowned; he didn't remember Goyle leaving the dormitory.

Goyle curled his hand into a tight fist and banged the door sharply, sending an irritating sound that bounced off the walls of the dormitory. Blaise stirred awake behind him, groaning. On the other beds, Theo saw the faint outline of Draco and Crabbe moving and stretching.

"Meeting!" Goyle bellowed. "Common room. Now."

Theo rolled his eyes before turning to Blaise. He was rubbing the balls of his thumbs over his eyes and when he looked at him, Theo's breath suddenly hitched in his throat at the sight of his adorably sleepy-eyed face. He determinedly moved his gaze toward the foot of the bed.

"What do they want now?" Blaise grumbled as he stood and stretched his limbs. He eyed Theo for a minute. "You weren't sleeping."

It wasn't a question so Theo didn't bother answering.

Blaise laid his hands over the bed as he leaned forwards. "Theo, I told you to wake me up if you can't sleep."

Theo was distracted by the long fingers that were spread out like a fan, pressing into the soft mattress. What would happen if he slipped his own fingers through -


He hastily got to his feet, wrenching his eyes away and forcing himself to look at Goyle who was now ordering Draco around. It was a sight to see. "I'm not a child, Blaise. You don't have to monitor me like that."

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