Alana McLaren

297 13 9

Power: Shape shifting
Date: Saturday, June 9th
Time: 3:24 pm
Location: At home
Summer Vacation


"Okay, which one of you is Lana and which is Snickers," Ava said, walking outside with a plate of sandwiches, "I made pb and j sandwiches."

"Oh, I'm Lana, Snickers ain't claiming my meal this time," I said, standing on my hind legs, wobbling.

I wobbled as my dog legs became human again and I could regain my balance and walk to the table as the rest of me, well, became me.

"Here snickers," Ava said tossing him a piece of bread with peanut butter on it.

Snickers jumped up and caught it mid air, then his face went down to the ground and he gobbled up the food.

I grabbed my sandwich and took a big bite, being a dog is tiring.

"What's it like?" Ava said through a mouthful of bread, she swall-owed, "being able to turn into different things."

"It's cool," I said, wiping my mo-uth. I never really knew how to explain the feeling of having these powers, since I don't know what it feels like to not have them.

"I wish I had it, then I could become a bird and fly away," Ava tucked a piece of her fiery red hair behind her ear.

"Yeah, but you have to be careful," I said, setting down my sandwich, "Becoming a bug, someone could squash you with a fly swatter, or a shoe."

Ava looked up at me, intrigued.

"Don't become a deer durring hunting season, I know that from last year, those hospital bills are still being paid off," I chuckled at the memory of being shot in the chest, but I didn't feel it. I never feel it.

"Yeah, but I still can't believe you weren't in any pain," Ava looked down at her sandwich and rotated it in her hands.

"It must be something to do with this power I have, or maybe it's something else that I have yet to discover, Noah has it too, and so does Kitty and Tyler, but no one else does." I explained. Ava wiped a chunk of peanut butter off the corner of her mouth and swallowed.

"Do you think you have a different power?" Ava asked setting her sandwich down and wiping her hands on a napkin.

I shook my head and swallowed the last bit of my sandwich, "I would have found it by now," my mouth was still sticky from the peanut butter, "at least I think I would."

Ava nodded and fixed her red locks as she stood up and grabbed both of our plates.

"Maybe try to find it?" She said, facing away from me.

"Maybe," I said as she stepped inside. I pondered for a moment.

How would I find it?

Then my phone buzzed in my pocket, pulling me out of my mind.

I pulled my phone out of the pocket of my black jeans. It was a text from Noah.

Noah: Bro get over here you won't believe what I found!!

I just laughed at the text.

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