Skyler Davis

66 2 4

Power: Gravity Defiance/Flight
Date: Sunday, June 10th
Time: Unknown
Location: unknown
Summer Vacation

We were now moving forward through the main tunnel. Kitty had left half a cigarette at the tunnel the Lana figured out was the way out, and the other half at the end of the main tunnel when we got to a fork in the cavern. She kept doing that until we got to a large hole in the ground. 

"Wow," I said, lifting myself too the edge, about to float above it. 

Lana pulled my leg back, "You don't know what could fucking pop out and chop you in half, idiot," She hissed. 

My cheeks turned red and I lowered myself to the ground, "Sorry."

I was waiting for Kitty to laugh but she was silent. 

"Kitty?" I looked behind me and she wasn't there. I squinted my eyes in the dark, scanning the large room. I only saw Noah, hovering far back behind the group.

I looked over at Lana. Mia was standing beside her, staring into the hole, her arms dangling at her sides, as if the only thing holding her up was a string attached to her back. 

"Mia?" Lana touched Mia's shoulder, making her sway. 

Lana grabbed her by the shoulders, backing her away from the hole. Mia's head flopped over her left shoulder, her pale lifeless eyes darting straight for Lana.

"Ahh!" Lana recoiled, removing her hands from Mia. 

Mia crumbled to the ground as if she were and ice melting in the sun. 

My eyes widened and I quickly looked around the room again, still, Kitty was gone. 

Jason noticed my panic and looked around as well. 

"Guys, Kitty's gone." I said, in a unintentionally creepy voice.

"Gone?" Riley said, her head jerking towards me, "What do you mean?"

She scanned the room, "I mean exactly what I said, she's gone," I repeated myself.

I looked back over to Lana and Mia as I heard crackling. Then I saw something that made my blood run cold. Mia's bone's were jutting out in all different direction, her body jerking and creeping towards Lana. 

Lana let out a cracked gasp and covered her mouth as tears lined her eyes. 

Mia's jaw shifted and unhinged, revealing rows of long, sharp teeth. Jason's breath hitched and he stepped back.

My eyes widened and my jaw was trembling. Riley looked around again trying to speak but her voice cracked and she spoke no more. 

My hand slowly went up to my mouth and Lana began stepping back away from Mia. Noah gasped and sobbed heavily.

"Mia..." Lana's shaky voice barely carried far enough for me to hear, "Please, we all l-love you, don't..."

Her voice cut out and stifled a sob. She swallowed real hard and spoke again, "C-come on, it's me it's Lana..."

Mia's bones cracked even more as she approached Lana, and a single tear fell from Lana's eye, "Please."

Mia stopped for a moment, as if pondering her next move. My shoulders relaxed and I felt the heaviness in the room grow lighter.

 Then that all changed. 

Mia pounced, her nails grown long and digging into Lana's sided. She shouted and struggled and everyone was frozen. 

"D-Do something!" Noah sobbed. 

"You can!" I screamed, tears streaming down my freckled cheeks.

Halfway Human Book 1 // Midnight EvilWhere stories live. Discover now