Jackey Hemmings

147 1 6

Power: Telepathy
Date: Saturday, June 9th
Time: 11:05 pm
Location: Club House
Summer Vacation

"Don't worry, I bet they're bringing her back right now," Jason's raspy voice carried through the sitting room as I checked through the window for the 20th time.

"But what if she's not!?" I questioned, throwing my hands in the air as I spun in my heel to face Jason, "What if that thing got her before it got you!"

"It didn't," He said in an almost unsure voice.

"What if it got her after you?!" I yelled, walking towards him, "What if she's dead?"

"She's not!" His voice was loud and powerful, causing me to fall silent.

"Sit down and be quiet, she's fine," Mia said, from where she still sat in an aroma of essential oils to calm herself down.

I sighed and curled up in a chair, my knees up at my chest and my arms wrapped protectivly around them.

"I hope you're right," I muttered.

About 20 minutes passed, still, nothing.

I was getting squirmy and impatient so I stood up again and checked the window.

"A watched pot never boils," Mia said, popping one eye open.

"Well, this isn't a pot of water, these are our friends," I protested, crossing my arms.

I sighed and walked to the mini fridge where I grabbed a Doctor Pepper and chugged it. It felt nice against my dry throat. I hadn't drunken anything in the entire time we'd been waiting.

I suddenly felt the ground shake.

"What the hell?" Jason said from the next room over.

A few pens rolled off the counter and a water bottle on the mini fridge tipped over, them the rumbling stopped.

"What was that?" I asked, walking into the sitting room with what little I had left of my soda.

"How would I know?" Asked Jason, scowling.

"Maybe it's mother nature," Mia giggled, making her voice sound calm and soft, like a yoga instructer. She opened her eyes again, "Or maybe it's god."

She spoke in an eery voice, I just laughed, "Maybe it's Satan, finding his way back to earth or something."

I wasn't religious, my parents were, but I never believed. Most of the kids in our gang didn't believe, with the exception on Tyler's family and Skyler's family. Kitty's mom was a huge Christian, but Kitty never believed. Noah's mom tried church a few times, but there was never anything they got from it. Basically, were all a group of atheists. Except, Kitty had dragged me to church once because, and I quote, "Church people are weird."

And indeed they are, "How do you come her every week?" I had asked her, from where we sad, watching a man speak on the stage. He was dressed in all black with a white card in his collar. I had thought it was really odd.

He was going on and on about giving your life to Jesus, and I had even caught a glimpse of Kitty rolling her eyes. It made me giggle a little.

I sat down with my soda, recalling the memory, a smile creeping in my lips.

I sipped my soda again and I heard crunching outside in the darkness, followed by firmiliar voices.

I jumped up, splashing a bit of soda on myself before setting it down and running to the door.

I burst through the door and the first person I searched for was Lana.

There she stood, unharmed, right in front.

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