Riley Touche

97 2 1

Power: Pyrokinesis
Date: Saturday, June 9th
Time: 8:43
Location: Club House/ Woods
Summer Vacation

"I don't know," Skyler turned to me, "Wasn't she out there with you?"

"She left," Jason said in a voice that sound like it hurt really bad.

"We have to find her!" I shouted.

"Hold on," Tyrone said, running to the cabinet. He pulled out 3 big flashlights and 2 little ones. He turned back to everyone who was watching him do this, "Who wants to come with?"

"I have to come," A voice came from the bathroom door.

We all turned to see Mia. She was almost green and had vomit down the front of her shirt.

"No way," Kitty said, "You look like shit."

"I'm fine now," Mia said, standing up straight and walking into the sitting room, "I know a lot about this thing, and he is too fucked up to go," She pointed to Jason.

Jason nodded in agreement.

After about 5 minutes we had decided who was going, and who was waiting behind if she came back.

Since I could make light with my hands, I was coming. Skyler could fly up and look with a flashlight, like a helicopter. Tyler could sneak up on her if she was hiding so he was coming. Noah could move things that were in the way, he was coming too. Tyrone could attack the shadow so he was coming, and Kitty could inherit any one of these powers and do any of it so she was for sure coming with.

Mia and Jackey stayed behind with Jason, no matter how much Mia protested.

She finally agreed and slumped over on the beanbag.

"So it's set, let's go," I said, grabbing a coat.

Everyone else grabbed a flashlight and coat and we walked into the night, fear bubbling up inside each and every one of us.

"W-what if she shape shifts and we don't recognize her?" Skyler said, her voice shaking a little.

"She'll respond to her name," I said, trying to focus on keeping the fire going.

We were all packed together in the circle of light that I created with my hands, except for Tyrone and Kitty who were further up, being lighted by Kitty's flame.

"I'm gonna go up and look," Sky said, pushing herself off the ground with her foot and rising up into the night sky.

Eventually the only thing you could see of her was the beam of light from her flashlight.

We could see a big circle of light circling around us, along with the other flashlight beams from the rest of us.

So far, no big, goopy shadow creature. That was good.

Or maybe it ment that it was already wrapped around Lana, choking the life out of her.

As much as I tried to shake the thought, it just kept coming back.

I felt a drop of water on my shoulder and I looked up to see big grey clouds covering the stars.

"Did sky pee on me of was that rain?" Tyler said, trying to lighten the obvious complication.

"It was rain," I sighed, a raindrop falling on my cheek causing my right eyes to flinch and close.

"What about your fire?" Noah asked, his pupils getting small as he stared into my bright flame.

"I'll just have to do this," I said, raising one hand above the dancing fire.

The orange flame rippled in she breeze and we carried on.

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